cp 78

cp 78

corncr drug storc has no mcdicines upon its shclvcs whicli can be of really lasting bcncfit to you.

"And I fcel that I must thank both your doctor and your drug storc for scnding you to me at this time. wben they fcel that they havc done all that they could do for you. Now that you have decidcd to put yourself under my carc. I want you to remember one thing beforc I start on this job of mak-ing you well and strong again: do not bccomc impatient if you feel that I am not bringing the rosę of hcalth back to your pale chceks as rapidly as you may wish. I promise you this. 1 will be with you twelve hours a day unless the Great Physi-cian. my Master, sees fit that His other servants—the Clouds —Rain-—usc ccrtain days for their own particular work.

"Although I have many other patients in all parts of the world like you to look after. do not be afraid that I will not be able to give you my fuli attention. I am so constructcd that I can scrvc as many as will comc to mc. My only regret in this matter is that there are thousands—ycs. millions— w ho are ailing, who scem to be afraid of me. and who losc hope and are only waiting to fili an untimely gravc rather than rccciee from my hands the gift of life.

"You know I am perpciually busy: for millions of years I have becn looking down on your old world. happy in the knowledge that I. under God. am the great sutainer of life.

"There is not a daisy on the mountainside. not a humblc blade of grass. not a rosę perfuming the country lane. that docs not rejoice with me by day. and wait through the long night to greet me with happiness at the first blush of dawn.

"I also want to remind you that I 3m partly responsible for evcry ounce of food that you 3nd the human family have evcr eaten. The humble potato. the goldcn grain that wavcs like a sea on the prairie. sustaining the lives of millions: the


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