Fik 4-6. Electron imcTOfriph ot a deamoaome frora ntratified wjuąmou* y****1*1™ Jh^Tnner ceU membranę and the prenence ot an electron-denne pUque to anch cali aubjeceot to tba layer of the plasmalemma at the level ot the dwnuwome. Tunofllameata of the ^?to^an be loopa at or in the denne plaque ot the deamnaomr. la th«s picture. a thin e{^^7'*^*J**^Unuous aaaa between the denne plaque and the inner border ot the celi membrane-Noe Proai the
midline to prowent la the materiał w i thin the tnterceUular apace at tae mamn-m •