Rcvl$ed Syłabus ot B.Tech ASIE (for ihe student* wbo wereadmitted «n Academic Session 2010>201i|
NUMBRICAL METHODS Codę: M(CS) 301 Contacls: 2L+1T Credlts :2
Approximałiixi in numcrical computation: Truncation nnd rounding crrors. Fixcd and lloating-point orithmctic, Propagation ofcnrors. (4)
luterpolation: Newton forwwd/backward uitcrpoblion. Lagrange'* and Newton'* divided diflercme Interpolalion.
Numerical integnilion: Tnąiezoidal nile, Sint>8an‘s 1/3 nile. lixpres*ion for ccrresponding error tóim (3)
Numcrical solulion ol'a system of lincar cquations:
Gauss climination mcthod. Matrix invcrsion, I.U Factonzation method, Gauss-Scidcl itcrativc mctliod.
Numcrical solulion of Algcbraic cąuatian:
Bisecticn method, Rcgula-Falsi mcthod. Ncwton-Raphson mcthod. (4)
Numeri cal solulion ofordmary difTercntial etjuatioii: Euler'* mcthod, Rungc-Kutta methods. Predictor-Cocrcclor method* and Fmite OifTcrcnce method. (6)
TexJ łlooks:
1. C.Xavicr: C Lauguagc and Numcrical Methods.
2. Dutta & Jana: Introductmy Numcrical Analysi*.
3. J.B.Scarborough: Numcrical Mathcmatical Analysis,
•I. Jam. lyengar. & Jain: Numcrical Methods (Problem* and Sołutionl.
I Balngnnisamy Numcrical Methods. Scitcch.
1 Baburam Numerical Methods. Peamon Education
3. N. Dulla: Computer Prograiiuuiug & Numcrical Analysis. Universitics Press.
4. Soumcn Guhu & Rajesh Srivustava: Numcrical Methods, OUP.
5. Sriimuta Pal: Ntancrical Methods. OUP.
MAT H E MAT I CS Codę: M302 Contacls: 3L +1T - 4 Credlts: 4
Notę 1: I In* en tire syllabus lias heen dltlded Into roni modliłeś.
There will bc two groups In Ihe paper:
Group A: Ten questions. each of 2 niarks. are to be answered out of a total of 15 questions, covering the entire syllabus.
Group B: Flve questlons, eadi carrying 10 marks, are to be answered out of (at leasl) 8 qiicstions. Students sliould answer at least one questlon front each module.
|At least 2 questions sliould be set frotn each of Modules II & IV.
Al leasl 1 qnestlon sliould be set from each of Modules I & III. Suffident questions should be set covering the whole syllabus for alternatlves.|
Module I: Fourier Series & Fourier Iran sfor m |8L|