PUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PAT I ALA Scheme of Studies, Examination: and Syllabus for B Sc. (Agriculture) Part-IH (Scmcslcr V & VI) Session 2019-2020. 2020-2021. 2021-2022
Duration ofthc Paper: 3 hrs Pass marks: 40%
Periods per week. 6
Max Marks: 100
Theory: 75 marks
Lntemal Assessment 25 marks
The ąuestion paper will consist of three sections A, B and O. Section A and B will have four questions from the rcspcctivc sectioas of ihc syllabus and will carry 12 marks cach. The section C will consist of 9 short answer typc questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 27 marks in all.
(amlidnles arr requircd to attempt Iwo questions from each section A and B and the entire section C. Scction-A
1 Agriculture Economics Meaning. scope and lts relationship with other social and agriculture Sciences Credit nceds. rural and national dcvclopmcnt. rural mdcbtedness. credit agencics and thcir role in Punjab.
2. I mportance of Agriculture: Contribution to the national income <3omparison with other countries
3. Sizc of the holdings: Sizc. distribution. sub-division and fragments of holdings in India and Punjab Causcs and disadvantages. Consolidation of holdings. Economic and family holdings. Ceiling on land holdings
4 Farming Systems Farming systems and types of farming areas Dominant types of farm mg areas: Dominant types of farming in Punjab and India. Conccpts of co-opcrativc farming, its growth and role in Punjab.
5. Land use and Cropping patterns: Land utilization pattem in India and Punjab. Land use planning- principles and practices
6. Dcmographic theones and cffcct on agricultural growth rates.
7. Agricultural Marketing: Modę of marketing of major agricultural products Marketing centres and agencies, their organizatioa rnerits and short comings.
8. PoYcrty and rural Ln-Employment: concept of poverty, Measurement of income. Income of farm and non-farm families, periods of mactivity and seasonal intense demands. Geographic distribution of Iow mcome areas in the State Causes. Role of nira! and cottagc Industries. Role of State in stabilization of rural and cottage industry
1 Leklii R.K. & Jogmdher S. Agnculture Economics: .-\n Indian Peispecuve. Kalyam Publishers; 2006.
2 Misra SK. Puri VK Indian cconcmy. Himalaya Publishing House; 2011
3 Soni RN. Lcading Isaics in .Agnculmral bconomics 1995.
•I Jam TR. Ohn VK Pnncipal of Microeconomics FK PuWications; 2015
5 Jam TR. Ohn VK Introductory Microeconomics- for Class 12th VK Global Publications; 20M
ó. Juin TR, Khanna OP. Macroeconcmics (Money, Banking & Public Finance). VK Global Publications; 2006.
7. Dutla R, Sundarani KP Indian economy. S Cluuid & Company, Delhi. 2001
8. Misra SK. Pun VK_ Indian economy. Himalaya Publishing House. 2011