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Basic Tips and Instructions for Beads in Stitches

Create stunnlng accessories that will enhance any outfit Simpty altach Seed beads lo caiwas with a half cross stitch to create beautifu! earrings, pins and even watches! Add beaded fangę orbrass channs lo fimsh your tmtfect

3. Hnlsli Edge. Run needle back through all the beads In the edge with one contlnuous stttch. Weavc In ends.

1.    Stitching Beads.

Beads are attachcd lo canvas wlih a hall cross slilch. Brlng necdle up Ihrough a hole. thread a bcad on necdle and compleic hall cross Sliteh. Slilch horlzontal rows (rom rlghl lo leli ihen back leli to rlghl. Slant all stitches in the same dlrectlon.

Trlm Si des. Alicr stllching. cul edges ol canvas. Do nol cul through slitched hole*.

2.    Beaded Edge Is

worked along the ouler rows ol stitches. Brlng the needle up Ihrough hole (A), thread 2 • 5 beads on necdle and brlng back down through (B). Brlng ncc-dle up through (C), thread morę beads and brlng down through (D). The number ol beads strung will vary wlth each proJect.

On straight edges. do nol string morę Itian 4 or S beads over 4 hole*. Too many beads will eause Ihc edge lo puckcr.

Corners: string only 2 or 3 beads so that Ihcy lorm a smoolh edge wlth no gaps.

Basic Materials:

Art on U Watch*

MIII MIII glass Seed. Bugle and Pcbblo beads Beading thread. Beading necdle Embroldery Hoss Perforatcd paper

or 14 count plastlc canvas Cllp-on or Pierccd earrlng backs: Pin barks Jewclry clasps. Jumprlngs Brass charms

Creatlv«ly Yours’ Super (Hue










4. Addlng Frlnge.

Black dots on charts show frlnge placement. Weavc thread under stitching on the back ol canvas to securc. Push needle Ihrough bole (rom back to (ront.

String the lieads (otlow-ing the beading diagram lor each proJect.

Aiter all the beads are strung. thread the nce-dle back through the 6th bcad (rom the end and thread through ttie remaining beads. The last 5 beads strung will form a loop to end the (rlngc. Insert necdle through beglnnlng hole. Rcpeat with each Irlngc. Add charms to Iringc wticre indicated.

6. Cross Stitches (wlth Hoss). Each srjuarc on chart represents one cross stltch. To begin stitching do not knot the Hoss. Hołd l/2‘ to 1" ol Hoss bchind the canva$ untll It is secured by two or threc stitcłies. Each stitch is composcd ol a dlagonal stitch 'V and a return stitch 'V to make an 'X'. Run nce-<lle through back ol scvcral stitches to end.



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