Create Charmlng Crraturc* uring o timplr ilcmęti rectpt and our taty ftttyr-fall patlcrm and instruchom Thtrts on omomtnt fortatryoccation. eir/y Inttml Onetyouct modę ont. you‘B turely u ant Ki malte alt nttn-ry/iit'
(butle Materials:
MrovjilniJ top Zip top t><i£t Coolde Sheet AJumioum laJ. Owen Tcnlhpfcka. Parln* knltc Garlic press CłutttiTMs In* omaount hook« Acrybc point.Clwr acryllc sealer Pidnt brushrs 0 or 00 Uft<r, rt roond
Dough Recipe
I Ctip lleur (do not use sell-rlsinji)
V* Cup warm watr r tył Cup uh
llfjuld food eolonng or seryClc P«nt or tempera Mit water. aall and COk>r logether. add llour. Kncad doujjli 3 ni lnu tri Reclpr will make 3 to i ormiwiti
5. Hanging Hook. C u *
metal ornameac Swofc lo »V Carefcty insert In cfay head
1. MU Dougb Rreipe.
Uak<- drugh ir. L? to t cup baichrs. Color »«h lood cctoe. tempera or aerytie piat. Uu cotor M w«»r toć sak matów or to-od Ko daijti « dougli U tOO stleky. sdd Ikiut. li k» dry,
itó ualcr. Stów dctaib in
Zip lop platllc bant to prevem drying. United dough *111 darken after OSWdly
2. Shapc Dough. Rcll dougb •• * bill between pilms IWt andpr«*o*e
end o! bon to form .1 teirdrop Roli bali U a cylinder lor <011 Sbipe etidhoicoll tołwmctpar
3. Altach Dough
pi«:c» by ptimewg o drop </ttuf<r t;o dootfi wili Ko-*»f FVrtł piw* togrthef pokly.
4. Halr or Grau.
Spiecłe dough tnrarrh a girltc press to desired leagir. lot hłu or gran Re»nve wltb toothpsck Md Rrotly petSJ on peece.
6. Ba king. (ona płetw <•» (oll Mace kai o* coofttr il»l a ad bakę at 275‘P lor 1-2 bours dependlng on sur Płocei thould be very bard wtwfl cnmpeteły hakrd Cod.
7. Paluttng. l',T* Palm ryr shape Wbte. add a <lrt»f oi cokr Lei dry IHr toer btush
widęhtShts Ejrt mty aho be BA»ck dc<s wid. lttur< dot hlj.Migku Clolhmg fałat sinpes uith a Imtr teush MS <to!svtVhatoo!hp*k 8. łmlahlug. Seal wiih 2or 3 coafs oł elear acrylic stafcf, For a high glosa, brusl. wtth F.rnSAjTe* osinę a disposabte brusb Haag «o rum aeafcr ran drlp cdi aad poece can dry. Tir 6" oI ntboo to hook »«h tarta brad toot. Tar on-rband U>y ln wis SlorrcenammCs In a dry place