Ubstetrxc3 and Gynecolofcy
12. Appoint Harwin Jamison, MoD., as Instructor for th© period from January 1, 1959 through Juno 30, 1959, at a salary of $3,000 payable from the Obstetrics and Gynecology budget. (RBC Noo 54)
13r Appoint Charles H. Bruce* M.D,, as Clinical Instructor without salary, effective January 19, 1959,
14. Increase the annual sałaty ratę of William A Bonner, Research Scientist I, effective January 1. 1959* from $8,160 to $8,520 payable from the Southwestem Medical Foundation Grant for Research on TV Techniąues in the Study of Normal and Cancer Cells. (RBC No. 56)
16. Appoint V., A. Stembridge* M.D.? as Associate Professor in Pathology, effective March 1, 1959, at an annual salary ratę of $17,500 payable as followsć; $15,000 from Department of Pathology budget and $2,500 from American Medical Education Foundation. (RBC No,, 71)
16. Change the status of Dr. Alvia F. Jołmson, Jr« r. from Clinical Assistant
Professor (^time) to Clinical Associate Professor effective
November 3, 1958, with no change in his annual salaiy. Dr. Johnson is presently budgeted at an annual salary of $4,750 payable from the Department of Pediatrics„ (RBC No. 63)
17. Change the status of Dr. Donald B, Cheek from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, effective January 1, 1959, with no change in his annual salary ratę; effective Harch 1, 1959? increase his annual salary ratę to $10,000 payable from the Pediatrics Department budget. Dr. Cheek is presently budgeted at an annual salary ratę of $9*500 payable from the Department of Pediatrics, (RBC Nos. 65 & 72)
18. Change the status of Dr. John A. James from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, effective January 1, 1959. with no change in his annual salary rate^ effective March 1, 1959, increase his annual salary ratę to $9,500 payable from the Pediatrics Department budget. Dr. James is presently budgeted at an annual salary ratę of $8.500 payable from the
the Department of Pediatrics,, (RBC Nos. 66 & 73) (Executive Committee Action)
19o Grant a leave of absence without pay to Dr. James Holaan, Assistant Professor, Clinical (L/3-time), from January 1, 1959 through August 31, 1959.
Dr. Holman is budgeted at an annual salary of $2,320 payable from the Department of Pharmacology. (RBC No,67)
20. Change the status of Dr« William R* DeayerB. Assistant Professor, from February 1, 1959 through July 31> 1959, to Clinical Assistant Professor (£-time), at a salary of $1,032*48 for this period, to be paid as follows:
$132*48 from the American Cyanamid Company-Lederle Medical Faculty Award and $900 from the Department of Pharmacology. Dr« Beavers is presently budgeted at an annual salary ratę of $8,260 payable as follows* $1,060 from American Cyanamid Company-Lederle Medical Faculty Award and $7,200 from the Department of Pharmacology, Dr*. Beavers will revert to full-time status on August 1, 1959. (RBC No. 68.)
Ph.ysical Medicine and Rehabllitation
Żi.' Grant a leave of absence without pay to Dr, Vann S. Taylor, Assoc., Prof.(with-out tenure^ from Norember 1 through November 20 f 1958. Dr. Taylor is budgeted at an annual salary ratę of $12,500 payable as followsc $10,500 from Physical Medicine and Rehabllitation budget, $500 from American Medical Education Foundation, and $1,500 from Southwestem Medical Foundation.
(RBC No. 55)
22. Appoint Austin Jack Jemigan, Ph.D., as Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry without salary, effective February 1, 1959v
23. Appoint Richard Austin, Jr., M.A,? as Clinical Assistant in Psychiatry (Psychology) without salary, effective January 5, 1959*