DKW GB250 2

DKW GB250 2

A streamlined carburetter cover pro-vides dirt- and dustproof encasement.

An incorporated air-chamber system gui-des the fresh air flow and cleans it from dust and other foreign particles. Wear is therefore reduced to a minimum on the DKW, the engine being in itself highly wear-resistant as it contains only three moving partsand engine speed iskept Iow. The cover can be easily removed without tools. On removal the carburetter is readi-ly accessible. The long intake tubę is in tune with a most favourable torque mo-mentum.

The telescopic fork supplies progres-\ sive suspension by graduated spring-ing properties of main- and damper-springs. The rebounding action is absorb-ed by pneumatic rebound dampers. The suspension is remarkably flexible thus enabling long rides to be madę without fatigue.

The transmission units on the rear wheel such as chain sprocket, rear ^ wheel brake and speedometer drive are one self-contained unit. The front- and rear-wheel-brakes are of large dimensions and guarantee perfect efficiency even under heavy sidecar use. Braking efficiency is considerably higher than police regulations demand.




Cubic Capacity Compression Ratio Performance r. p. m.

Performance per litre Ignition Timing Carburetter

64 mm 70 mm 244 c.c. 1 :6.1 - 1 :6.3 14.1 BHP 4700 57.8 BHP/lts 4.3 - 4.5 mm b.u.d.c. Bing double-valve with

carburetter 27 inclined jet

GEARBOX :    Four-speed gearbox with

foot-lever control

Total Ratio:    lst speed 1 :17.8

2nd speed 1 :10.45 3rd speed 1 : 7.51 4th speed 1 : 5.94 Power transmission from gearbox to rear wheel by roller chain 1/2x5/16 (rein-forced)

FRAME : Closed, rigid, welded, Steel tubę frame, designed for sidecar use Telescopic suspension front and rear Saddle: swing saddle with rubber suspension

Handlebars: Adjustable with easily accessible control levers

Light-alloy central stand with roll-curve

Foot rests: Adjustable Quick change axles: Front and rear Brakes: In-board foot brake on rear wheel In-board hand brake on front wheel (light-alloy hubs)

Brake drums    7.09 in. 0 front

6.3 in. 0 rear

Brake light

Wheel base    53.2 ifflP

Total length Total width Height of handlebars Height of saddle Ground clearance

Weight (with petroil and tools] 315 I


82.8 i 26 in. ^ 38.2 in., 29.5 in 5.3 in.

Admissible total weight j?,

Tyres    3.25x19;,

Fuel tank capacity '//|Aj Reserve    /&&&&*

Gearbox    39,65

ich 10°j

Fuel consumption under norl

app. 88^

Maximum speed Acceleration from <hgggi)Ą>M

in 6 to 7 seconds

Sound volume of riding noise 76 pnone Sound volume of exhaust noise 79 phone

**) Fuel consumption measured at two thirds maximum speed on level, dry road, without wind plus 10°/o

Ali guotations subject to alterations without notice.

*)AII specifications in compliance with official approval

Prinled In Germany


DKW single-cylinder, two-stroke with air coolim ripation. DKW reverse scavenging. Cylinder barre light-alloy cylindej/.djfead- Newly designed e)

lattery, Igniti

Transmission fr<

;haft to Gearbox by double roller

Multiple piąte clutch with torsion damper in oil


MB 1328 1654) engl.

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