lifting ]>ro|K!r, say six or severi limes each hand. This might be done with advantage perhaps lwice per day, except when prac-ticing with weights, on which days no otlier exercises need to be laken. Front the above it will be gathered that, in my opinion, when a ntan has a good deeelopment and takcs to weight-lifting, be will be wise to drop all his liglu exercises, and reserce the energy and nercous power snęli cxercises would set up for weight-lifting.
To sttch as have in view the improvement of healtli or dccel-opment of nntscle only, I Itace nothing to say, as any system of ligltt training will improce sttch, and for healtli no doubt light dntnh-bell work and any rttbber appliance is good, especially for the business tnan to whom weight-lifting probablc would not appcal, and wito would find it dangerous perhaps to start on a course of weight-lifting without precious training. Therefore,
I admit tliat in the case of a ntan who has the least suspicion ot internal weakness or a weak coiiaBtution, it is absolutely essential that :t prelitninary course of ligltt exercise lxt gone through w ith the ohject of strengthening the body and preparing all round for the harder work incolced in weight-lifting. Also, if a ntan has r attained, say, the age of 35, and wisltes to practice with weights, if out of condition, lic, too. would be safeguardetl by first prac-tieittg light dutnb-bell work, or ecett, perhaps, sonie of the many free mocements which are so largely adeoeated loday. Hut al the same tintc I would say that the mail who knows hitttself to be already constitutionally sotittd and intcmally perfect, with good physical tlecelopmetit, should not waste time in light exer-cise of any description, hut go right on to weight-lifting, of course, practicing at lirst with sttch weights as could be lifted with ease and comtort.