


The beli having been stood on end, stand with the left foot in front of the right, and a good spacc lietween the two. Now ]>lace the right haml in tlie centre of the bar, the left band imme-diately helów same. 1’lace the right elbow on the hip and to the front, as shown in illustration, then bend forward with the head held down, after which suddenly lean backwards, lifting upwards with butli hands, at lite sante titne the riglu elbow on the body being used as a fulcrum on which to lever over the weight. To perlono tliis lift properly the legs will have to be considerahly bent at the same time you puli the beli over lowards you. If tliis is done fairls quickly, one end will, with the aid of your hands, overbalance the otlier, by falling over and backwards. After adjnsting your right elbow morę to the back, you are then in position for the bent press.

Atiother method is to pl„ te the left band at the bottom of the bar above the discs, your left ani) to be straight and your right to lic bent and resting across the body. Stand as close to the bar as possible, instead of away trom, as in preceding position, and bend the legs to a greater c.\tent, then raise the bar to your chest and lift with liotli the left arm and the right arm together, suddenly tossing the bottom set of discs away from you wid to the left, at the sanie time rptickly bringing the riglu elbow on to the body. The first method is morę suitable for long bars, and the second method for sliort bars.



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