

Having ascertaincd (lic center uf the bar, stand witli the heels a fcw indtcs apart, then stonp down and (juickly puli the liell to the diin, stepping forward willi one toot and backward witli the othcr, botli moyements to be pcrfonncd at the same time. sinking tbe body and thrówing tltc ell»ws and wrists underneatb the bar as it comes up. 1 would point out that tbe stooping position is a very tiring and tatiguing one: therefore, do not lose any time in tltis position, but mark your bar belore going down. Another hint is this, that it is possible, after raising the bar to a ccrtain height, to give it another puli just as it is about to com-mence going down again as you dtp beneath it, and this finał puli,



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