U A» Gro. W. Reinhold thr Amn. Seet Himwli 5
III A New Dworny Makn Iti Bor to the Rubli.; 4
IV. Ptnture and Health. bv Arnold H. Kegel. M D.. Com-
mmioner of Health Chicago. 111 8
V. Prreept and Exampt*. by Edw. J. Kelly. M D 10
VI. Who I* Capi Rodrtguc*.' by Bernard C. Roloff. Direc*
tor of Hralth Eduration. Dept. of Health Owago 11
VII. Thr Pied Pipet of PoMure. by Bernard C. Rołołf 17
VIII. Capt. Rodnguet and the Prro 23
IX Building Potturr for Hralth. by Capt Rodrigue* 30
X Why Ute Yotir Body fot a Dmkk • 33
XI- Ponure. Cormt and Incorrect 36
XIII How I Dmovcrrd Potturr 40
XVI. How to Attain Correct Pmturc 49
XVII. L«*son« the Same for AU 34
XVIII. Air. Plenty of Ckan. Frcth Air 60
XXII The Gerciatw and Athletut 70
XXIII. On Cormt Breathing 74
XXIV. A Story for the Weakling 77
XXV. What Grrat Men Have Said A bont Health 81
Copm ol tUt Sxik Sir t* i£uuu>i b» iraJiaf mato anirr oi chnt to* On* DeUai aod paiuf* to Op< C Rodnf«v Boj Cl5. Qwi(o Ul kr Cj*ł ortin