*** tht, Mm
V**J 6* Mi*
S torsy*
■*fHSWJ CJ,rtrm Ww mM«8«8on In ontor to iw** m* MM '** ^ " * «* •«, be u*d to an wtond^S mZ'
Au T«mp*w«tijń» 10* C to *4(f C (14' f to 122° F)
Atmo*pb*r* rwesmura ftfl to 10# KP«
)fHMli«t.on Srtn Atfttcifid batów 1000m
Vtl ' Aton Minimum 9 AA m/s2 (1G) at tost than 20Hz Marunom *. 88 mii' (10) at 20Hz to 50Hz
R«.|«tiv» Hurwlrty lass than 90%, no oortoansatton aflowed
Mm- lopharo pnassura 80 to 106 t,Pa
T*mp«f*tur* -20° C to *60“ C (-4 ‘ F to 140" F)
Transportałion Atmosptwe pressure: 86 to 106 kPa
Vibration Maxitnum 9 86 m/s2 (1G) at less than 20Hz Maximum 5 88 m/s2 (IG) at 20Hz to
JZ Z00wer S“fply mo,0f i,;ads ™uM be lato separately. They must not be fed
through the same cable condurt / trucking
Hsgh voltage insufabon test equipment must not be used on cabfes connected to the dńve.
Wart five minutes for PC bu$ capacitors discharge,
Short Circuit Withstand:
Suśtabłe for use on a Circuit capable of delivering not morę than 5,000 rms symmetricat amperes, for230V
MOde!i rihstaHation ofth^A C drive will greatly reduce its We.Be surę to observe the foilowing pTeSońs Sen selectmg a mounting locabon. Fai.ure to observe these precauhons may vo,d the
warranty ^ d(.jve near heat-radiating elements or in direct sunlight.
* DO "I nstall the AC dri.e in a p.ace subjected to high temperaturę, high humidity, excessive ‘ Do "ot -stall th ^ |jqufd8 or airborne dust or meta.iic particies.
vibrat.cn, corr gnd do not restrict the airflow to the heat sink flns.
. Mount the AC dr.ve vert. V ^ space around the unit for heat dissipation as The AC drive generates heat. At.
shownin the figurę shownnextpage.