Read this file, as there are important changes for 2.0

The macro system in nebula allows you to assign complex moves to one key or button.

I would like to have added more macro file samples to this release, but
I had no time to make them. I only added some Xmvsf moves and sample
templates for the cps2 fighting games

Macro definition files are stored in the MACROS directory. They are plain
text files with .MAC extension.

They are standard INI files. The file structure is as follows (sample is xmvsf.mac):


..up to 4 players

these keys shows nebula where to look for the current character and position.
the meaning is:
address is the RAM address where the character value is stored (easy to
find with cheater or looking in some cheats files).
value1,value2,... are the values for the different characters
Address can be an indirect addressing using the same syntax than for cheats
(@address+offset), this is useful for neogeo dynamic allocation games.
Nebula 2.0 NEW:
If give a 0 as address, Nebula will not try to autodetect the character. You can switch
the macro layout from the Game menus.
Character values must be named starting in 0

address is the RAM address where the character position is stored (find with
left is the value used when the character is in the left part of the screen
right is the value used when the character is in the right part of the screen
Address can be an indirect addressing using the same syntax than for cheats
(@address+offset), this is useful for neogeo dynamic allocation games.

after those values follow the macro moves:

[2] <- value in the RAM for that character
Name=Cyclops <- name of the character
Macro1Name=Optic Blast low <-Move name
Macro1Move=D,D+R,R+1 <-Move description
Macro2Name=Optic Blast medium
up to 12 macro moves

Move descriptions:
they are the joystick and button pressed that make the move.
each different move must be separated by a comma.
these are the available commands:
N: Joystick centered and buttons released
U: Joystick Up
D: Joystick Down
B: Joystick Back
F: Joystick Forward
R: Joystick Right=Joystick Forward
L: Joystick Left=Joystick Back
+: Simultaneous press. It's optional, it's only used for clarity.
-: Allow merge player input with macro move (ex. Wolverine's drill claw).
C: Charge move
1..6: Buttons
S: Start button

All "legal" combinations of moves are allowed (UD,UB,DB,DF, but not UD or BF)

New for Nebula 2.0 and only in Window GUI
Macro1Name=Character Switch

The Global section means a macro move that is available for all characters. Use them
If the game doesn't have different characters or if there are shared moves.

To make button combos that require pressing the same button some consecutive times,
ensure to include a N command between presses: (1,1,3,2 wrong, correct should be

Charge moves aren't performed, for example to make a sonic boom, (CB,F,3) only
the F,3 moves will be executed so you must be charging back while pressing
the macro button

The '+' character is optional, use it for clarity. (D,D+B,B+4 is the same than D,DB,B4)


Hints are move helps that shows in the top and bottom parts of the
screen when using 800x600 and no stretch.

Moves are shown using the data in the macro files.

Hints are shown as if the player were in the left part of the screen,
looking to the right side.

The number at the beginning of the move name is the macro key that
triggers that move.

Hint moves description:

Arrows: Joystick position
Arrow inside
a circle: Charge direction
P1,P2,P3: Punches
K1,K2,K3: Kicks


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