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; otheia by:    f

capi limy pcimcubility

_)»łiysn <><tieiirical prupcttics ufnie dmg 2. G^protcin oouplctl receptora;

intraccllularicccplois ©involvc sucli targets as for esamplcadenylale r.yclase, pliospholipase (i -^fincltulo mcotmic or CiARA-A receptora P) inny bo callcd mclnbotropic receptora :ł. Ach esteraso inhibitor/s used in Al5ieimcr’s disease is/are: I) pirydostigmlne ^2)

aii*    I

cnriliuc output

-I. /olpiden

łon, /alcplon aic:

such ex<unplcs as rlvnstigmine ^fphysostigniine ę^donepezll

lnpsdujtics nmy producc thcJpUowinź,undcsircd jjyfolir ^nrtcriolnr dffation ft agonist-anhigonist opioids (cg p^nlazocine);

_ lclnbolizcil inoslly to inneti rc compounds /fdnigs wliich action is not tuitagonized by flnmnzepil^1uscii typical antinsycotics:    w W* l* 62 A".'Lulsc ręwtiy eu. ,;■**-*    ^

^invc significant allmity fur tlić 5-HT-2A r :ccplors 2) arc less effective than classical antipsycholics \ cfTccl prolilc. 4) inchulc such drugs ns Cg t lioridnzine

runchial cont

j Utsc    y n,,,noni,Vd7u^ “ Irnmofa

tan classical antipsycholics C^^iavc a superior side-


ypcraensttmly rcactions U

Producc sevcrc osydumrCmeii.- clTccts (not rcycrsiblr.

p-j l ) rcUwil piogrcss of the discasc but do not halit it entircly 2) nrc rnpid acting dro,',gfT))incUidc atnong otlicr inctholrexalc and chloroąulne^ v*'- 4) show slrong aualgcsic activily

/gk ~ (J) producc a "ccilling cllccl" tlint limits the a nount of analgV$i^4(taiiiablc /^'^kwilli iialosouc) 1/arc not addiclivc at all ({ łjcan pmducg-witlidrawal in •PpMARDs:


. 2) vitamin K 3) ritepiase 4) liclopidiuc

]v9. Rtpix_.cr.lalivc/s ofantiplutclcts drugs is/aic: M) warfarin(J 4<J Classcs uf aiilivinil agents inelude:

^0""c,cic l,cw* ana*JCs (bat selcclivcly inliibit viral DNA polymcnise or IIIV rev*rse transcriptase ijlioiuuicloside IUV icyersc trunsuriptnse inliibitors ^^JhrhibitorsoTotlic^cssęntiul viral enzymes fusijn inhibitora UPAzolu aniifimgals:

1) lmvc a similai spectrum ofiuilrfungnl nclivity ^Mnhibit fungal cigosteroi synlhcsis 3) are nephrotoxic ^Juay internet willi many drugs by virluc of their cITbcls on CYP3A4^*^

12. lndicnle lito correct slatcmcnt/s nbout interferons (rNP) as immunomodulatora:    ŁY = toCofCS >3-■ fi bmb/tf S^.|_

Ą 1) 1NI:-|) is pmduced in fibrolilnsls and uscd for treatment of mulliplc śćlcrosis 2) INF-y is produccd by lympliocyles B 3) INF-c is uscd lor trentincut of rcnnl cunccr 4) yiruses can not induce synthe: is of It4F

C K?- ’lo the grpnp of anlincoplasliculkylating agents bclong(s): if incthotrcxat<^ejclophospliamidc. >3) fluoiouiacil ^TJcisplalin L14. Indicalc wliicli of the pniifs) toxiii-anlidotum is/are corrcCc: !

■'    1) paraccliunol-acelylcysteinc 2) incllimiol-ctliniiol 3) propranolol-gUićagon 4) atropine-pliysostigniine

£,15. Wliicli *ji ihc lbllowing anti-cpilcptic dmg(s) inducc (s) GABA poleutiation in cus:

1) biiiotiiginc 2) valpioic ncid 3) cnrlmmnzcpinc-4) yigabatrin f \ 16. Drugs tliat incrcasc serum digoxiu couccnlralion arc;llj,'amiodaione (^ quinidi.ie. 3) rifampin 4) vcrapainil 17. ACB inhibitora should not be uscd in:

Q. palicnls witli CHF , 2) prcgnnnt woincn willi hypcitensioii ^3.^ patients witli hypertension and diabetes 4) patients willi liyi>eitensioii duc to stenosis ofrcnal arteries

Wliicli drugfs) shou|<jllJjg.uscd for trcątinent of patient witli priinary aldosterpnisin:' ^ p. ^

Cu) fuioscmidc^Z) spironolactonc ’3) nudiocoriisoue 4) amiloiid (<■ '

Indicalc the correct slalemcnl about glycocorticostcroids: 1) flućlrocortiśone poirseses slrong salt rolaining activityQ])weigl.t gain, inusclc waisting, osleoporosis may nppear as side elfecls/3j wlien uśed for sliori periods (<2 wccks) it is unusual to see serious adversc clTccts dcxaincliiasonc, in compaiisuu willi prcdnisollc, givcs a higlier risk jf adrcnal suppression

Dii cctious: In lliis seclion decide if tlić following statements about drugś are ti 11 or fulse. If true — cross (lie letter A, iffalsu - the jf ' letter U.

V, ?.U. Since most drug absorption from tlić GT traci occure by pussivc diffusion, absorplion is ravoured wlien tlić drugs are in the nonionized andn\oruli|n)pliilicfonu.    - .

~21. BDZs stimulalc directly GABA-A receptora iu the cus.    $>/ i^A)

i 22. Bccausc of its sluut los, propofol is o (len used for maiulenancc of uiiaestlicsia a: wclI as lor induction.

23. Morplriuc is m»li.~ilivc anonisl of |t receptora in the cus and periphery.

1’aracctaimil docs not producc stumacli uleera, liccousc it is not an inhibitor of COX. { iaJ-Cch    n

molccular wcigbt heparins arc uscd Imtli intravciiously and subcutaneously Nonnbsoilmlilc sugars (cg laclulose) are hydrolyzed in ll»c colon to producls, wh cli stiinulate coloniyirogulsiYygjjy^ by osrnolically drnwing wuter inlo tlić lumen.

nlialrd ghicocorlicosteroids me uśed propHyhtciicaUy to control asthma ratlicr tl an acutcly to rcvcise astmasymptoms. ( u jCa \OS-■

High ilusrs uf triinela|irim-sulfainclhoxuzule nsc cffectiYe iu severe infcctions b’ Pneumocystis carłni (P. jirovzci) in patients willi AIDS.

Amiii' illins is a group of seinisyiilhcric penicillins, actiYC against P. aerug.nosa.    j    v

Ak.uhnl, !•.<• act'\Yc against vcgctaiivc forms of baclcria, including M tuberculoi u. many iungi and lipophilic yiruses. f .^t4J ^ £U>vAi ^) iTIk: rinly . .niriiily uv;nlablc luniciil oolithailuic antifuugal dniu is miipliotcricin 1.

T 32. Cyciuspuiuiu mul tucrolimus arc immunosupprcssivc drugs acling by inlribition uf caicincurin. i" 33. ltidncy linusphiiitation is not an indicafion lor the use of mycoplicnolatt mofetil Oxali|ilntin is uscd for Ute treatment of colon canccr.

l amir.ńlen is uiilimclabolilc anticanccr drug for ircalmeiU of prostatę canccr. (V <yu sV ecuniu rj \. Pctticillanune is an antidotum uscd for treatment of iatoxication by copper.

T37. Nalo> one dues not rcYCiye all toxic etTects of morphine.

I'3K. MACj mid COMT inhibilors used iu treatment: of Parkinson*? disease incrcasc cr s dopamine level.

L 32. l.-DOl‘A givcn orally tcaeWes cus in about 50%.

1*1 '40. Va\|iioic acid docs not inereose liver cnzymc activity.

5 =• Iti m (}'C0U'tĄC



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