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using topographic maps 1:10 000 (Żuków, Uściąż), and 1:25 000 (Kazanów). The dunes were TL dated , and standard grain size analysis was madę.


The dune area is situated in the Southern Poland. in rhe eastem part of the Sandomierz Basin, in the Tarnogród Plateau subregion, near Żuków (Fig. 2). The author described this area earlier (Wojtanowicz 1996,1999). This inter-esting complex of dune forms differs in character from the Late Glacial dunes investigated by the author in the Sandomierz Basin (Wojtanowicz 1969). The Plenivistulian dunes are less visible in the landscape. These Iow, WNW-ESE trending ridges are from several hundred metres to several (2.5-6.5) kilometres long, and they often consist of separate hummocks. The ridges are I -4 m high and 20-60 m wide (Fig. 2). The position of these ridges in relation to other relief forms, and especially their encroachment from river valleys on the western slopes of interfluve areas provide evidence of a generał westerly wind direction. The measurements of dune ridge orientations indicate WNW winds from a 290°±20° sector. This fully corresponds with the direction of aeolian sand transport in the Roztocze region and Sandomierz Basin reconstructed by J. Buraczyński (1993,1994) for the Plenivistulian.

One from the higher hummocks of the Żuków dune area was examined in detail (Fig. 3). Dune sand 4 m thick overlies fluvial sand dated at 60 ka BP. Dune was formed on denudation surface developed on fluvial sands. Sand from the dune base was TL dated at 32 ka BP, and towards the top the successive dates were 29,28,22 ka BP. Considering on these results, one can assume that the dune was formed between 32/30 and 20 ka BP. Therefore, this could have been the first stage of inland dune formation in Poland. Two paleosols were found in the dune. The older one developed about 30 ka BP, and probably corresponds to the Denekamp Interstadial (Interphase?). The upper paleosol is older than 22 ka BP, and corresponds to an interphase of the younger Pleniglacial.

Granulometric analysis revealed almost three times greater content of silt fraction, and distinctly morę poorly sorted sand in the examined dune in com-parison with the Late Glacial dunes in the Sandomierz Basin (Wojtanowicz 1970, 1999).

1 TL dating was madę by mgr Jarosław Kusiak in the Thermoluminescence Laboratory, Department of Physical Geography and Paleogeography, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin.


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