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Fig. 3J. A. morphołogy and raterrelaiionships of the duce major estairt craniate tasa; terminal iaxen Al. Hypcroireti. the bagfish Eptatretus in lateral view (about x0l5): AZ, Hyperoartia, tbe lamprcy Petromyzon m lateral vicw (about x0.3); A3, Gnatftostomata, the sfaaric Squalus in laleral vicw (about x0.t); ncśted taxa and telected synapomorpfdes: /. Vertebrata (skuli, rettebral column. neural ctest); 2, Cyelostomi (borny tecth, lingua] appatatus, flattened spina) conł. sperms sbed in the codom, poucb-shapcd gills, gills formcd ffom endodcmu gili arches lateral to gills. vclutn): 3. Craniata (skuli, neural ctest), 4, Vertcbraia (aicualia ot the vcrtebral column. estrinsic eye mnscle, rad tal mnscles in fins, innervaied beart. two vertical semicircular canals in the labynnth; sensory-linę system, esmorcgulation, spleen, cooccntrated p&ncreas. aumeroos phystological charactcrs), B. s kulis. in lateral view. of a Hyperotrei (Mytńr, BI). Hyperoartia (Lampem. B2). and Gnatbostomau (Sąualus B3). C. basie elemeots of the vembral column and their relationships to the spinał nera roots in a latnprey (Cl. a* the transtiion between the head and the tronk) and a gnatbostome (CZ shark). 1. gili apenings; Z slime glands; 3. ord sacker. 4. spinele: 5. paired fins; 6. tentades; 7. pienasal sinus of nasopharyngeal duet: 8. nasal capsulc; 9. fitnus braincase; 10. ocjc capsale; i 1, notochon); IZ subnasal cartilage; 13. median basal piałeś of lingua! appurahts: 14, dentigeratu cartilage; 15. lateral head cartilagca (pianom vtsccraleV. 16. velar cartilage: 17. atcnalia; 18, tcctal





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