Fig.6. The thorax during breathing: (A) inspiration, (B) cxpiration.
The function of respiration is to provide the energy needed by body cells.
The act of respiration or breathing consists of two processes: extemal respiration and intemal respiration. The extemal respiration means the exchange of gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide, be-tween the blood and the atmospheric air. This process takes place in the air sacs of the lungs. The exchange of gases between the cells and the blood is known as the intemal respiration.
Air enters the respiratory tract through the nose or mouth. In the air sacs of the lungs oxygen diffuses to the blood where it is absorbed by erythrocytes. It is then taken to the body cells.
Carbon dioxide is carried by the blood stream in the opposite direction, that is, from the tissues to the lungs. It passes from the lung capillaries into the air sacs and is finally exhaled from the lungs.
The accessory organs of respiration are the ribs, the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. Dur-ing inspiration the ribs move outward and the diaphragm is flattened. These processes enlarge the yolume of the thorax and the air is drawn into the lupgs through the respiratory tract. In expiration, the ribs are lowered by relaxation of the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm is elevated reducing the volume of the thorax. The reduced thoracic volume forces the air out from the lungs. Normally, in one minutę we take 18-20 breaths of air.
Air passages carry potentially dangerous bacteria. Therefore, all parts of the respiratory system are exposed to infection by microorganisms present in the air. The most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract are mild infections, such ąs a cold, influenza, rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngi-tis. The diseases of the lower respiratory tract are morę serious and include bronchitis, pneumonia, pleuritis and lung canćer.
Asthma is areversible,spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the bronchi called bronchospasm, which obstructs the"passage of the air. The asthmatic attack can be causedby various stimufi^ such as dust, pollen, animal fur, food, Chemicals, etc. Emphysema is the loss of elasticity of the alveoli caus-ing distention of the lungs. Respiratory diśtress syndrome is a cause of death in newbom babies. Tumours, both benign and malignant, of various kinds may occur in the lungs. Lung cancer is caused mainly by cigarette smoking.
Respiratory symptoms include: fever, sore throat, dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing), cough, which may be dry or productive, sputum production, hoarseness, pain, nasal discharge, haemoptysis (cough-ing up blood), and cyanosis (bluish colour of the mucosa). In addition generał malaise, weight loss, anaemia and weakness freąuently accompany the local thoracic symptoms.
E. Doncsch-Jeżo - English for Mcdical Studcnts and Doctors -1
Word List
• absorb [ab'so:b]
- wchłaniać, pochłaniać
• absorption [ab'so:pJan]
- wchłanianie, pochłanianie
• accessory [ak'scsari] dodatkowy, pomocniczy
• benign [bi'nain] - łagodny
• blood [bUd] - krew
• bluish ['blurij] - niebieskawy
• bronchitis [broi\'kaitis] -zapalenie oskrzeli
• capillary [ka'pilari] -naczynie włosowate
• carbon dioxidc ['ka:ban dai'oksaid] - dwutlenek węgła
• consccutivc [kon'sekjutiv]
- kolejny
• cyanosis ['saia'nausis]
- sinica
• diffusc [di'fju:s, di'fju:z]
- rozproszony; rozpraszać
• distension [dis'ten/an] — rozszerzenie
« distress [dis'trcs] - ciężki stan, wyczerpanie
• dyspnoea [dis'pnia]
- duszności
• emphysema [,cmfi'si:ma]
- rozedma płuc, odma
• cnlargc [in'la:d3]
- powiększyć
• cxhale [eks'heil] - wydychać
• flcxiblc ('flcksabl] — giętki
• haemoptysis [hi:’moptisis]
- krwioplucie
• hoarseness ['ho:snisJ
- chrypka
• influenza [,influ'enza] -grypa
• intercostal [inta'kostl]
- międzyżebrowy
• involvc [in'volv] — wciągnąć (w proces chorobowy)
• malaise [ma'lciz] - złe samopoczucie
• malignant [ma'lignant]
- złośliwy
• obstruct [ab'strAkt] - zatkać, zaczopować
• oxygen [’oksid3an] - tlen
• pharyngitis [,faerin'd3aitis]
- zapalenie gardła
• pneumonia [nju:'maunia]
- zapalenie płuc
• pollen ['polan] - pyłek
• rcversible [ri'va:sabl]
- odwracalny
• rhinitis [rai'naitis] - nieżyt
nosa, katar
• sore throat ['so:'9raut] - ból
• spasmodic [spjez'modik]
- spazmatyczny, skurczowy
• tonsillitis [.tonsiTaitis] zapalenie migdałków
• yolume ['volju:m]
- objętość, pojemność