vuiv/iiu.aiiuii V/l
active fluvial channels
Colonization tn
lacustrine delta mouth lacustrine tempestłtes
bars and distributary channels
Camborygma Ichnofabric
Emplacement in areas of high water table
Emplacement in areas of Iow and/or fluctuation water table
Establishment of a Establishment of a
deposit feeding infauna in deposit feeding irrfauna ephemeral fluvial and in ponds and łakes
lacustrine environment
FIGURĘ 17.5 Icons of most common Continental freshwater ichnofabrics and their emiron-mental implications. (A) Beaconites-Taenidium ichnofabric. (B) Scoyenia ichnofabric. (C) Composite Beaconites-Taenidium/Scoyenia ichnofabric. (D-F) Variants of Skolithos ichnofabric, reflecting colonization in different freshwater settings. (G-H) Variants of Camborygma ichnofabric, reflecting different positions of the water table. (I) Fuersichnus ichnofabric. (J) Planotites ichnofabric. See text for explanation.