


** J. Saint-Gennain, Les finanriers sous Louis XIV, Para, 1950, p. m V KlirtrlrHja, Pierre Le Gratki et sou oeucre, Para, 1953, pp. 162-6.

••K-R-Swart, The Sale of Offices m the Seoenteenth Century, The Hague 1949, pasatu.

47 The point is wcD madę in M. Ritter, ‘Das Kontributionssystem Waileo> steinr’, Historische J&iUckńft, 90 [N.F. 54] (1930), pp. 248-9.

* G.Droysen, Bótrage zur Gesddchle des Mititarwesem in Deutschland wahead der Epodhe des drmńgjanńgm Kruger, Hanovcr, 1875, pp. 28-31, tor the resembłances between a mercenary company and a gild 49 Andrzejewski. a/^ p. 96.

w V. Lorwe, Zfe Orgomsoiwn and VerwalUmg der Wallensleimschen Hem Fraburg LB„ 1895, pp. 22—4.

41L. Andre, Mubel Le TeUier et Louums, Para, 1942, pp. 327—40; Gordon A.Cra%, Th Politur of the Prusdan Army 1640-1945, Odbrd 1955, PP* 5-6L ** The term b Aodngetnb’t.

M Fsporiafly for drae who lhred on a main traffic ar tery: one major cause of the drrime in the populaticm of Coburg during the period was fnlidmwit G. Franz. Der dreisńgjahrlge Krieg und das deutsche Volk,Jcaa., 1943, P* 41.

M T.A.Fischer, Th &otr o* Germany: being a cmtributum towards the Wstary of the Scott abroad, Edinburgh, 1902, p. 74, gives the proverb in the onginaL Cf. the Scots ballad:

Fast they toak my brethren twain, Then wiled my love from me,

O, woe unto the cnid wais In Low Germanie!

Sec B.Hoenig, Memotreu Englischer Offiaere im Heere Gustaf Adolfi md ihr Fortiebeu m der Literatur, in Beitr. z. neueren Płńlologie J. Schipper dargebracht, Leipag, 1902, pp. 324-50.

H Tumer, Pallas Armata, p. 166. Or as Walihausen put it, wfaen lament-ing the decłine of the lance, ‘on est contrami de se servir de gem basses et viy: Art ualitaire d chwal, p. 3; and cf. similar remarks in Richelieu, Testar wad patibupte, p. 476.

** WaHhausen, VArt rmlilaue potu Plnfanterie, pp. 9-1 o.

M Tbert b a good diteunon of the quesdon in H. J. C. von GrimmeJs-haigen, Stmpłicissamu the Yagahmd [trans. A.T.S.Goodrich] (1912), in chapters xvi-xvu: ‘Who was the Imperiałist John de Werth? Who was the Swede Stalhans [Le. StAlhandske] ? Who weare the Hessians, Lattle Jakob and St Andre? Of their land there were many yet well known, whom ... I iethear to menlion*. He argues that dńs is no new stale of aflaiis; but włam be comes to give a list of eaHier esamples be can think of no imfanrr between Hugh Gapet and Pizzaro escept Tameriane. Simplicissinua was ahout StAlhandske, moreover: bis iather had been kammarjwduut to Erik xiv.

** IŁpland Mousoier. La VenaliU des Offices sous Henri IV et Louis XIII, Rouen, nd, p. 506; <f. Frauenholz, Sóldnertum, i, 27: ‘vom Rittenchlag bdrt «m« nidiłł mchr, an denen Stelle tritt die Nobilitierung’. For con> dkmm in Sweden, Łlngers, Bonden i sstensk historia, Stockhdm, 1943, i, 234; B.Słcckzen, John barter, p. 57: ‘Tbeir [se. Swedish infantry oflSccn’]


coats of arna are ofecn of recerit ocigia, and many of tbas arc not easiły distinguishable from the young peatant ladi tfaat serve as NCOs, or SI the ranki as privafces\

** It was said of the FeULschretber that ‘er mim fa*t da Hauptmamu Mriiter sein, der selber oftmałs nicht schreibea und rechnen kann ’: Lorwe, op. cii., p. 20.

00 As for instao.ce in the Great Elector’* Generdkriegskommtsariai: ‘From the beginning its civilian officials interier ed with milhary aflam and acted very independently of the arrny command’: F.L.Garsten, The Ońgms of Prussia, Qxford, 1954, p. 263.

11 Richelieu, Testament, pp. 393—4, condenms and arnere~bm\ and see, for Sweden, P. Sóremson, ‘Adełns rusttjanst och addtóanam orgamsa-tfon% Histarisk iidskńft, 42 (1922), 145-50* 221-3; aad fior Brandenburg, Jany, op. cii., i, 10-12.

** In the armies of the Great Elector, for instanoe, ‘the officers of the artillery and the engineers were almost excłusśveły conanouen’: Garstea, op. at., p. 271.

•* Steriges big 1611-1632, suppLementary voL ii, 293.

44 E. G. R- Taylor, The M/ithematical Practtlioners of Tudor and Stuart England, Cambridge, 1954, pasam.

63 A. R. Hall, BaUistics in the Seoenteenth Cenimy, Cambridge, 1952, p. 16: ‘The standard of engineering tedmology was not mody iwaiffirimt to make sdendfic gunnery possible, it deprived haUistics of alt czperimeatal foundation, and almost of the status of an appbed science, sińce thsre was no technigue to which it could, in het, be appbed’.

44 M. Kukieł, Zjuj* histarji wojskowośce w Polsce, London, 1949, p. 46. For Gustav Addfi interes! in cartography, see Fórsvanstabaa krighistor-iska avdelning, Vdgar och mghaukap i Mellaseuropa mder trettioanga bigets sista skede, Stockholm, 1948, pp. 41—2.

47 L. Hammarskjold, ‘Ur svenska artdleriets havxłer’, ArtiUerś-Tiddsrift,

1941-4, p. 93.

44 Krijgsktmdige Aantekening tan Johan tan Nastań, ed. J. W. Wijn, p. xiL

49 Saucuscs de guerre are described by Johan of Nastań ai ‘korbę wdehe Langerlich und geflochten ant... mit ciserndc schroten kugd oder kkiaen steinen auffollet’, and as ‘wurste wdehe voB pułvers gffiiiirt und in die rustlócber [of a fortress] so vid man dun kan, gesteckt, und die maacr ako gesprengt werden’. Tbey are said to have beea sacks an dl thidkand ten to twełve foet long: Krijgskundige Aantekemng-tan Jobem tan Nassan, pp. 50, 94 and notę 2. Tbey are poasibły to be dńdnguiihed from the samissmu des* cribed in a notę to Montecuccoli (Memoues, p. 137, notę) as ‘grosses fasrinrs lires en trois endroits\

74 Sir G. N. Clark, ‘The History of the Medkal Prafioskm’, Meduai Histoiy\ x, (1966), p. 218.

Styflb, Gustóf Adolfs skrifier, pp. 65, 67; Mwser© /fis ErpetkUm, TL, 175, 196; and in generał for military edncalion W.Sjosirand, GmUr^i <n> den militara undertdsmngens upfkomsi- och tilmMmgsMstma i Sarige tUl m 1793, Uppsala, 1941. The coodnding section of WaUhaiem'* Art ■i/rfnrr d cheoal (pp. 97-134) ń ‘a discourse of two persons ... aa the CTcrilmcr. of



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