PWiS 25862
ln6sroT<lbng oompasses. the dlrectfonal error applies to the compass wfthout fłuxgete The ftagate of i transmltong compass shaN be piaced so that the influence on the card heading shaH not exceed 0,5* tn the caseofdass A.
NOTĘ tf the test is undertaken in the compass bowl, it should ba noted that the reauMng value than mctudes the dawiabon due to any magnetic materia! in the compass and/or in the fluxgate.
4.5J2 Error of lubber marka
Lubber error is a construcbonal error of the compass bowl and gimbal, which depends on the rełatwe posifion of the mam lubber marfc (ifitis fixed), the pivot bearing, and the direction of the outer gimbal axis.
No lubber error shaH exceed the values as given in Tabłe 7.
Table 7 — Lubber errors
Magnetic compass es |
Maximum lubber error |
Class A |
0,5° |
Class B |
1,0° |
4.5.3 Error due to friction
VWth the compass at a temperaturę of 20°C ± 3°C, the card is given an initial deflection in the foilowing vaiues in Table 8, first on one side of the meridian and then on the other, it shall return to within the foilowing values in the table of its original position, H being as defined in 4.3.4.
Table 8— Error due to friction
Magnetic compasses |
Internal deflection |
Maximum angle to return |
Class A |
2° |
Less than (3IH)° |
Class B |
5° |
Less than (9IH)° |
4,5.4 Swirl error
V\fith the compass at a temperaturę of 20°C ± 3°C, and rotating at a uniform rotational speed of 6°/s in the horizonta! piane, the card deflection when the bowl has been rotated 180° shali not exceed the values in the Table 10 ffom the magnetic meridian.
Ałternathrely, when rotating at a uniform rotational speed of 1,57s, the card deflection, measured after the bowl has been rotated 360°, shall at no point exceed the foilowing values in Table 9, H being as defined in 4.3.4.
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