ISOfDIS 256*2
AnnexD (normative)
Type-testing and certification of binnacles
Type-testing shall be camed out before the binnacle co mes into regular service. Each binnade shai be provided with its compass. azimuth reading device, correctors and, if fitted, a transmitting system, łndńńdual testing of binnacles and correcting devices is not required.
New devices only are accepted for type-testing.
Magnefic compasses and binnacles are combined to be used as given in Table D.1.
Table D.1 — Types of binnacles
Magnetic compasses |
Binnacles | |
Class A |
Type A1 |
Type A2 |
Class B |
Type A1 |
Type A2 |
D.1.1 Binnacles and correcting devices to be tested
Type-testing should be carried out on ali binnacles and correcting devices. These indude binnacles for projector, reflector or transmitting compasses.
There are two types of binnacle to be tested.
Type A 1. A binnade of such a design and height that the magnets of the compass directional system shall be at least 1 m above the undersurface of the binnacle deck fitting.
Type A 2: A binnade which may be used where a type A 1 binnade is unsuitabłe. The binnacle height is not spedfied.
Where the requirements and test methods are different for these two types, the test methods are spedfied separateły for A1 and A 2.
It is permissible to supply the A 2 binnacle without quadrantal correctors and without Flinders' bar, but when there is provision for fitting these correctors, both shall be provided when the binnacle is submitted for type approval.
D.1.2 Manufacturer^s statement for binnacles
The manufacturer shall produce a written statement for binnacles covering those requirements that cannot be ascertained during the type-test. This statement shall contain the fołłowing points:
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