

My War Memorles, 1914-1918

I came to Andenne, where I saw a gruesome tand distressing example of the devastation that follows jranc-tircur operations.

On August arst I was present at the Crossing of the Sambre, by the 2nd Guards Division, west of Namur. The prelimin-aries of the action were carried through quite smoothly. It was wonderful to see the magniiicent men of the Augusta Regiment go into battle.

On the morning of August 22nd I received my cali to the East.



22nd August, 1914,    28tli August, 1916.


(Maps I. and II.)


npHE letters from General von Moltke and General von

JL Stein summoning me to General Headąuarters af Coblenz, and informing me that I had been appointed Chief of Staff of the 8th Anny in East Pmssia, were handed to me by Captain von Rochow at nine in the morning of the 22nd August, at the Headąuarters of the 2nd Anny, half-way between Wavre and Namur.

General von Moltke's letter ran :

gj You have before you a new and difficult task, perhaps even morę difficult than that of storming Liege. . . . I know no other man in whom I have such absolute trust. You may yet be able to save the situation in the East. You mustj not be angry with me for calling you away from a post in which you are, perhaps, on the threshold of a decisive action, which, please God, will be con-clusive. This is yet another sacrifice you are called upon to make for the Fatherland. The Kaiser, too, has confidence in you. Of course, you will not be madę responsible for What has already happened, but with your energy you can prevent the worst from happening. So answer this new cali, which is the greatest compli-ment that can be paid any soldier I know that you will not belie the trust reposed in you."



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