DNA andassociatep proteina (chromatin)
nucie ar lamina
|lear membrana"] nuclear enveiope membranę J
Figurę 8-1 Cross-sectian of a typldrf ceO nucleus. The nuclear enveJope Ą consists of two membraries, the outęr one being continuous with the ' endoplasmic reticulum membranę (see also Figurę 12-9). TT* Upkl biJayerj of the inper and buter n uclear membranes are cpnriecbi each nuclear porę. Two networtej intermediate fiiaments Igteen) provide mechanicai support for i nuclear envelope; the intermediat fiiaments inside the nudeas fbnn j sheetiikc nuclear lamina. The^paej inside the endoplasmic reticulum I ER lumen)-te colond yellofy .