enfeite Natal foto

enfeite Natal foto

ch. sk 2 Ms. I dc in ncxt si) across - 44 om. ch 5. tum each row hut at cud of row 4 ch 3 to tum. ROW 5 6 solid mcshcs or sm (- * 2 dc ovcr ch-2. I dc in next dc. rep from * 5 timcs morę). 38 om. ch 5. tum ROWS 6-49 Work following pat diagram ROWS 50-64 Work on Icft side only across 16 m os shown . to tum ch 3 for first sm and ch 5 for first om At cnd of row 64. ch 3$. cxtcnd łasi st, fasten ofT lcaving long thrcad cnd for joining later to righi udc Nim attach thrcad with sl st m dc *o as to work on right side across 16 m for 15 rows to corresp Next, join 35-st cham thus insert hook thru last st of cb and iii top of ch-3 »f last row on right side. yo and work I sl st (sec Dctail). Fasten off. ROWS 65-84 RS facing altach thrcad with sl st and work a-cross all 44 m following diagram Al cnd of row 84. cont with 2 rows of EDGING A (sec diagram). Fustcn olT. Work EDGING A across lowcr edge to comesp. Ncxt. work EDGING B across R and L side edges as shown Attach thrcad WS fac-ing tsec whilc wedge) to com-plctc CU APEL ROOF across 10 center m cm row 49 (31 sts in alll. at cnd of 3rd row of Roof ch I. tum and cont with EDGING C all oround BELL TOWER opening as per Dctail; close with sl st in First sc throughout.

BELL tmakt i) Form Ip with end of thrcad RNDS 1-9 : Ot 3 (-first dc throughoutI. work following diagram close with sl st throughout (in top of ch-3 or in first sc). At end of md 9. fasten olT.

FUWER Work one (lowcr m each om marked with dot on pat diagram as follows: RS facing attach thrcad with sl st in top LH comcr of m. ch I. work I sc m same sp. cont with 3 ch ♦ 3 dc + 3 ch + I sc iii cacli of ncxt 3 sides of m. cnd with 3 ch ♦ 3 dc + 3 ch m 4tb side : close with sl st in ch-l . fasten off (see black wedge)

CHAINS Complete simplc sin-gle-strand cham for top beli and double choin (sec how-to) holding 2 strands tog for two lowcr helis as shown

ASSEUBt.) Follow Bell Assem-bły and Completed Work diagram^_


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