Escanear imagem003

Escanear imagem003

To gain a broad pcrspcctivc on lace, Yusai Fukuyama bas iravcllc<i cxtensively, visited many Europcan musems and is well known in the International lace world. He lias gaincd respcci for rhe accuracy. delail and llie interesling collection of paUcms in his books on bobbin lace and lambour work which are uscd world widc.

Convalescjng after serious Health problem* Yusai dccidcd to oflcr a tłlird lace. He was kccn to sharc his cxpcnisc and enthusiasin for tatting, but aware that pcoplc are deterred , expcrienciog difficulty with the basie tcchniąue. Using diffcrent colourcd threads, he has cvolved a method which enables the student to understand the proccss and overcomc the problem. Clcar instructions and diagrains and a rangę of pattems ensure that (his book will be of interest to all Tattcrs. Reąuiring only shuttle, hook and thread, tatting is a uscful skill which can be practiscd anywherc and at any linie. People who enjoy tatting have the opportunity to make friends around the world through tatting groups and associations.

Yusai ’s books are always of a high standard, hc pays great attcntion to dctail in every way: concise instructions, clcar exptanatory diagrams and pattems arranged progrcssively make his books a wclcomc addition to any lacemaker‘s library.

/*;* y/vtą yjfA

Pamela Nottingham M. B. E.

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