To dctcrminc whcther thc gain or loss on thc sale of an asset is Capital gain or loss or ordinary gain or loss. you must classify thc asscLS sold as:
•Capital assets;
•Real property and dcprcciablc property uscd in your business and held for morę than 6 months; and
•Other propert\’—for example. stock-in-trade, inventory, or property uscd in your business and held 6 months or less.
Brainerd says thcsc essential steps help form a successful coalition:
• Get all thc conccrncd playcrs together. They must cooperatc and agrcc on a goal.
• Clcarly identify which issues thc coalition will address.
• Estahlish a gamc plan for address-ing thcsc issues which must inelude a means for broad-bascd dissemination of information.
• Establish effcctivc communica-tion met hods for educating the public. It is import ant (hat thc coalition speaks with a unifted voice.
• Hirc a coordinator. Like George
C1986. jounol o»A-ncńcofi irauionce.