

E $ S F. X T I A L W O O D C A R V 1 N G T E C H X I Q U E S

Fic 15.10 A gouge with a matching shape being used to stab the centre linÄ™ of an O.

Fic 15.11 A skew chisel with about 70" angle at its tip being used to chase the outside curue of the counter of an O.

Fic 15.12 A round-endedNo. 3 gouge being used to stab in the inward-facing curve of an O.

Fig 15.14 A round-ended No. 3 gouge stabbing in the outward faeing curue of the counter of an O.

FlG 15.13 A large gouge stabbing in the inward-facing curue of an O.

gougcs which morÄ™ or less fit venically on the centre lines of curved parts of letters you havć to stab the centres with several cuts from narrow gougcs about 6mm (14in) wide. As far as possiblc the sweep should match the curve (Fig 15.10), but a shallow gouge such as a No. 4 or 5 (English), No. 3 or 5 (Swiss), will do. The sloping sides of the letters are then chased out with a skew chisel about 12mm O/ain) wide with an angle of about 70* at the point (Fig 15.11), or with a nearly fiat gouge (No. 3 English or No. 2 Swiss) of similar width with its end slighcly rounded. Carc has to be raken when chasing that che thickness of the side of the tool does not foul the opposite slopc nor the edge dig dceper in



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