E S 5 E N T I A I. W O O I) C A R V I N (i T E C H N I Q U F. S
Fic 10.5 Plasticine model and bowl begun by Howard Spiers in beech. NotÄ™ tbe Ing at the left end for holding.
Fic. 10.6 Beech bowl nearly finished, showinga No. 8 long-bend gouge resting against the holding lug which is still retained.
Fic 10.7 Large apple-wood bowl with rhythmic rim of uarying tbicknesses (Dick Onians).
Fig 10.8 Beech bowl with co fi tras t i ng inside and outside shapes (Dick Onians).
Fic; 10.10 Large birch burr bowl (Dick Onians).
Fic 10.9 Leaf-impired bowl in spalted ash ttsitig echoing curves (Dick Onians).