C A R V I N C A Bo W' L
Fic; 10.14 Shaping the outside of a bowl with a No. 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 gouge. NorÄ™ the use of the clamp.
Order of Carving - Inside or Outside First?
The decision whether to stare with the inside or the outside shape is not to be taken lightly, but it is generally better to shape the outside first. If the shape appears displcasing or something goes wrong the bowl can always be shrunk. If the inside is done first and something goes wrong on the outside the bowl may end up an ugly shape, or too thin or even fail altogethcr.
If the top of the bowl is uncven at this stage it
may be difficult co clamp the bowl upside down, so if possiblc make it fiat and vary it latcr when camng the inside. First the plan view of the bowl must be cut out, allowing for holding lugs at cach end if desired. The shape of the basc should then be drawn on.
Start by carving away the corners all round (see Fig 10.14), then round again working back towards the base outline. Flatter gouges may gee under che grain and split off morc than is desired. I rccommcnd gouges from No. 7 upwards. If the chiscl has a Iow cutting angle it is not hard to cut
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essent?rving?09 C A R V I N G A Bo W L FlG 10.2 Boiul in olive ash with beartwood at bottom and oaryw01 the mounds because of the weight. Several castles appeared with no motte or keep, relessent?rving?64 Essential W o o d c a r V in g T e c h niqie s Fic 4.23 A large No. 5gouge shaping tessent?rving?12 E S S F. N T I A I. W O O r> C A R V I N G T E C H X I Q V E S Fic 10.12 The arraessent?rving?15 Fig 10.16 The smali beech bowl being held in a caruers chops with a bar across its messent?rving?53 C A R V I X G A X ABSTRACT Fic 14.7 ,Vortex>— caruing in elder employing the same27 : Index generał R Radiography of the lungs 14.2, 14.6 Radiotherapy 15.2,15.9-10,15.11 Resistessent?rving?54 Essential Wo o d c a R VIN g Techniques Fic. 4.1 Various mouldings (from the top): aessent?rving?10 E S 5 E N T I A I. W O O I) C A R V I N (i T E C H N I Q U F. S Fic 10.5 Plasticineessent?rving?11 C A R V I N G A Bo V L Taking Inspiration from THE SHAPE OF THE WOOD Sometimcs a buressent?rving?16 E $ S E N T I A L W O O I) C A R V I N G T t C I ! N I Q V E S Fic. 10.20 Large sycaessent?rving?31 C a r v i n c; i he Humań Figur f. Fic; 12.7 Muscles at the back of the body Fig 12.essent?rving?35 Fic 12.17 Notę the fullness of the brom and tbe eyebalis and the slope np from cheekessent?rving?46 ESSF. NTIAL W O O D C A R v I N G T E C H N 1 Q U E S Fig 13.17 Top view afer firstessent?rving?52 Essential Woodcarying Techniques Fig 14.3 Mov mg water. Fig 14.4 Drawings devełopingSchemat działania pompy Na K Figurę 10.25 Schematic model of the sodium-potassium pump in operatiowięcej podobnych podstron