

Essential Wo o d c a R VIN g Techniques

Fic. 4.1 Various mouldings (from the top): an elaborate moulding on a cyma section carued in linie, originally gilded; a practice length ofgadrooning in deal with U-sbaped yalleys between the gadroons (notÄ™ the way the direction changes in the middle of the raiÅ‚); egg and dart moulding with some of the gilding stripped a way - the shadows around the eggs indicate the profile of the moulding (notÄ™ the leafat the right end used as halfof the mask for a mitrÄ™ joint); a practice piece of ribbon and stick in pine with an unsuccessfid attempt at a leafat the right end; a fragment of ribbon and stick with a typical leaffor disguising a mitrÄ™ at the lefi end.

architravc moulding can be adapted (Fig 4.5).

Gadrooning may be done on a shallow humped section, preferably higher at one side (Fig 4.6).

Many of these mouldings, cspccially those used on frames, will be gilded and so forms necd to be cut morÄ™ boldly; the gesso covers details rather like snów. One advantage of gesso is that repairs can be covered up and smali gaps fillcd with gesso putty. The novice who is not too obsessed with the tidiness of his work may work morÄ™ confidently in this casc, and eventually be surprised by the crispness and liveliness thar

ovo!o or quadrant section for the egg and dart (Fig 4.3). It may have a fillet or strip of wood forming a narrow step on each side of the curved section.

For the ribbon and stick it is usual to use a dowcl with about a quarter pianed off one side so that it sits fiat both on the bench and in its finaÅ‚ position (Fig 4.4).

The strap or water leaf is a derivation of a leaf cut into a cyma moulding, that is, one with an ogee section. You may be able to obtain a straight cyma piece with or without fillets, but an


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