

Making Kumihimo: Japancse Interbccd Braids

Rodrtek Owen

Crossing Cacti and Other Succulents in the Garden

Shirley-Anne Bell

Making Mini Cards, Gift Tagi & Insitations

Glennis Gilruth

Crossing Successftil Orchidi in the Crecnhouie and Consen-iiory

Making Polymer Clay Cardi and Tagi

JacÄ…ui Eccteson

Mark Isaac- Williams

Making Wircciaft Cards

Kart MacFadyen

Hardy Palms and Palm-Like Planu

Martyn Graham

Natiwe American Bead \Veaving

Lynne Garna

Hardy Pcrcnnials: A Beginners Guide

Erse Sauford

New Idcas for Crocłict: Styftsh Pro/ccu for the Home

Denka Capaldi

Hedges: Clearing Scteens and Edges

Arertl Bedrieh

Paddington Bear iii Cross-Stitch

ImIU Mills

Hoss- to Attract Buttcrflies to your Garden

Jobst ó Maureen Tampion

Papcrcraft Projccu for Special Occasion*

Siste Chtsserman

Marginal Planu

Bernard Sleernan

Papcnnaking and Bookbinding: Coastal Inspirations

JoannÄ™ Kaar

Orchidi arc Eass- A Beginneri Guide to their Care and Cuhis-ation Tom Gil/and

Patchwork for Beginners

Pauline Brou n

Planting Plans for Your Garden

Jasny Shukman

Pyrography Designs

Norma Gregory

Sink and Container Gardening Using Dwarf Hardy Planu

RosÄ™ Windowi for Quilters

Angeia Beslr,

C.hrit & Yalerie Wheeler

Silk Painting for Beginneri

Jill Clay

The Successftrl Contcrs-aton* and Crossing Exotic Planu

Jean Phelan

Sponge Painting

Ann Rooney

Succew ssith Bulbi

Erie Sauford

Staincd Glaii: Tcchniques and Projccu

Mary Shanahan

Success ssith Cutrings

Chris & Yalerie Witeeler

Stcp-by-Stcp Card Making

Glennts Gilrurh

Succcst "ich Seeds

Chris & Yalerie Wheeler

Stcp-by-Stcp Pyrography Projccu for the Solid Point MachinÄ™

Norma Grtgory

Tropical Garden Style ssith Hardy Planu

Alan Hemsley

Stitched Cards and Gift Tags for Special Occasioni

Carol Pbillipsors

Water Garden Projects: From Groundssork to Planting

Roger Sueetinburgh

Ta»el Making for Btginncrs

Enid Taylor


Tatting Collage

Listdsay Rogers

Tatting Patrerns

Lyn Monon

Close-Up on Insecu

Robert Thompson

Tcnwri: A Traditional Japanesc Embroidery Techntquc

Margam Lueilou-

Dieiul Enhancement for Landscape Photoeraphers

Thrcc-Dimcnsional Ddcoupage: Jttnovacive Project* for Beginneri Hilda Sroka

Arian Hooeendam & Herb Parkin

Trompc 1 Oeil: Icchmques and Project*

Jan Lee Johnson

Double Vision

Chris Weston ó Nsget Hieks

Tudor Treasurcs to Embroidcr

Pasnela Warner

An Ewential Guide to Bird Photography

Ssere Young

Ww Art

Haze! Marsh

Field Guide to Bird Photography

Sset e Young


Field Guide to Landscape Phorography How to Photograph Pets

Peter Watton Nick Ridley

Alpinc Gardening

Chris dr Yalerie Wheeler

In my Minds Eye: Sceing in Black and White

Charlic Waste

Aurkulas for Everyonc: How to Grow and Show Perfect Planu

Mary Robinson

Life in the Wild: A Photographers Year

Andy Ronie

Beginners' Guide to Herb Gardening

Yoossste Cuthbertson

Light in the Landscape: A Photographers Year

Peter Watton

Beginneri' Guide to Watcr Gardening

Graham CLtrke

Photographers on Location ssith Charlic Waitc

Charlie Waste

Big Leas-es for ExOtic EÅ„ect

Stephen Griffith

Photographing Wilde mess

Jasem Frieisd

Compantons to Clematii: Growing Clematis with Olher Plants

Marigold Badcock

Photographing your Garden

Gasi Harland

Crcaring Contrait with Dark Plants

Freya Marun

Photography for the Naturalist

Mark Lueock

Ocating Smali Habitats fot Wildlifc in your Garden

Josie Briggt

Photojournalism: An Esscntial Guide

Datrid Hcrrod

Esotics arc Easy

GMC Publicasiotis

Professional Landscape and Ensironmcntal Photography:

Gardening with Hcbcs

Chris & Yalerit Wheeler

From 35mm to Largc Format

Mark Lueock

Gardening with Shrubs

Erie Sauford

Rangcfinder Roger Hieks & Franca Scfrulsz

Gardening with Wild Planu

Julian Slateher

L‘ndcrsvatcr Photography

Paul Kay

Growing Cacti and Othct Succulenu in the

Where and How to Photograph Wildlifc

Peter Frani

Conservatory and Indoor*

Shirley-Anne Bell

Wildlifc Photography Workshops

$seve & Ann Toon


Drop-rn and Pinstuftcd Seat!

Da iid James

Twist* and Adsanced Turning

Dennis White

Stuffos-cr Upholłtcry

David James

Sharpening the Professional Way

Jim Kingi ho tt

Elliptical Tuming

Darid Springets

SharpcningTutning & CarsingTools

Jim Kinplson

Woodtuming Wiaardry

Datrid Springer:

Bossi Turning

John Jordan

Tuming Bctwccn Ccntres: The Baski

Dennis White

Hollow Turning

John Jordan

Tuming Bosvli

Dennis Wite

Woodtuming: A Foundation Course

Keith Rou-lej

Boxci. Goblcts and Scrcw Threads

Dennis White

Carsing a FigurÄ™: The Femalc Form

Raj Gonzalez

Novclti« and Projects

Dennis Wbite

The Router: A Begrnners Guide

Alan GoodseU

Clanic Profilei

Destnis White

The Scroll Sass: A Bcginner* Guide

John BurkÄ™



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