Caller. |
Duńng the past iwo or ihree decades cńminologists in the US have been making systematic aiiempis to measure and analyse the darkjigures oj cńme ... |
John Shark. |
The dark jgure s oj cńme? |
Caller. |
Yeah, the dark jgures oj cńme, the proporiions ojpeople who have locked away in iheir past ojjences ąuiie unknown Ło the auihońiies or, ij known? passed over. In a systematic siudy oj sexual ojjences, Dr Raazinowicz doubted whether morę ihan 5 in 100 ever came to light. |
John Shark. |
That \s ouirageous. |
Caller |
In 1964, he suggesied that cńmesjully broughi inio the open andpunished represenied no morę ihan fijteen per ceni oj the great mass actually committed. |
John Shark. |
Fijteen per cent! |
Caller |
And that was in 1964. |