

E S S E N T I A L W O O D C A R v I N G T F. C H N I Q U E S

FlG 4.18 The edges of the leaves have been stabbed in with gouges that fit. The side of the mam rib is here shaped by an octra fiat gouge which is sloped across the ribs centre to make its sides slope and be strong.

♦    No. 5, about the same width as the moulded section;

♦    No. 8 or 7, about 12mm O/zin), to fit the nose of the gadroon;

♦    a narrow, deep gouge will help to set down between the noses of the gadroons;

♦    a skew chisel to clean out under the noses.

As with all of these mouldings it is best to cxpcriment to see what your chisels will produce. The version with U-shaped vallcv$ (see Fig 4.1) demands the utmost care and razor sharp tools if done in softwood, so First practise a simpler pattern. The example demonstrated was drawn with rather slcndcr gadroons. As with other mouldings, the marking-out does not need to be detailed. A vertical stab along the side of the taił with the No. 5 which is then slid up and over to the ground ar the front prevents splitting when the gadroons are formed. As it is the weakest element the smali ridge should be madę first, so stab cuts should be madę on both sides of the tails. Do not worry if the tops of the smali ridges crumble as in Figurę 4.22. They will cventually bc lower chan the tops of the

FlG 4.19 Cutting in fiom the side of the leafto the edge of the rib with a No. 7 gouge, preferably with a buli nose.

gadroons. The sides of the ridges are then sloped. using the No. 5 First one way up then the other (Figs 4.23, 4.24, 4.25). The fronts of the gadroons may then be separated by notching with the deep gouge (Fig 4.26). The noses of the gadroons are rounded by using the No. 8 or 7 upside down. The tops of the gadroons are rounded by pushing an inverted No. 5, 6 or 7 gouge along them in the direction of the grain. A backbent is best on the inside curves. Care is needed to avoid cutting on both sides of the diagonal forms when doing this.

Using the Mouldings

Having learnt how to carve them the next stage is to use mouldings applied to a frame or a piece of furniturc. Special care has to bc taken if you are not going to gild them. At corners the join is ungainly on most mouldings. To avoid this the mitrę is disguised by a stylized leaf {see Fig 4.1), with the join forming a vein down the middle of the leaf. Simply leave a smali distance uncarved at the side of the mitrę, and draw on half a leaf which preferably echocs the



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