Even a MonkeyĘn Draw Manga v01 p073
Serious Erotic Drama (Past)
“It’s So Light” The Light Touch
By Teizo Kato Twenry years ago, with the demise of the student movement, young men lost their purpose in life and retreated into cheap, ten-by-ten apartment rooms, spending their days either masturbating or else buildmg bombs. In this morbid atmosphere, the “Erotic Drama” was bom.
But in the 1980s, erotic manga had to be created that met the needs of a new generation who grew up on shojo manga and anime. That’s
swca a perv, Kobei! V
what "erocoms” are. They’re sunny and clean, the sound FX are charming and uniąue, and most important, all the women in erocoms approach the main character without any effort madę on his pan and oflfer fellatio.
Furthermore, the most significant diflference between “Erotic Drama" and "erocom" is the drawing style. Compare and see. In erocoms, it's so safe, even the impotent can get a laugh out of this kind of prettified sex. In any case, this is the “light” sensibility of the convenience-$tore generation who grew up in an advanced consumerist society. It makes me regret the fact that I wasn’t bom twenty years later.
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