m' lu
Hofizontalły. thi$ hal * looks a woman’8 breasr From tne too. it might look like 8 pussy mąrk
Women s txxj.es between me trees and ^ txanches. You coułd spend your en tire lite counbng them But anyooe who comes up with morę than eiaht mioht want to see a doctor
Place a card oetween me rwo pane<8. as ndicated by me arrows. Stanno at each image* separateły wim each eye, youll find Mary do«ng something reaify special (This page is too smali, so 90 three pages bart )
II you concentrate on this rock •— mountam. you U see a droołing fleeping Tom. Ute ghost photos. fadal images stimulate readers
Speaal Mitsuru ► Adachi screentone. Can t find it at an art suppły storę' You'i setl over a hundred million copies
Panel C/J borders 00 tor sub-liminal
The mountains in the distance look like a woman spreading her legs You must be thinking *So whaf at this point
This man might complaining, but if you turn hlm upside down you Tl find out his true feetingsil
The edge of the balloon is a combi nation ot penis and tft shapes. It's a cute and siity idea1
Pems ^
screentone The patiem is t>ased on Takekumas actuai member. so our sympathies go to the prwters
We repeat. me secret to suMminal manga ts a # Stmple story and a senous attitude towards manga m order to have Irfetong impact on the reader. you must have the courage and datermination to wnte T.et'8 do 10.000 limes