Police Battalions: Liies, Killings, and Motites
Police Battalion |
Location |
Dale |
Number of Victim |
3'4 |
Dnepropetnnsk |
Noeember 1941 |
1 ,ooos |
Kharkov |
January 1942 |
10,000 20,000 | |
3*6 |
Białystok |
July 12-13, *94' |
3,000 |
MogiIev |
Noeember 1941 |
3.700 | |
Bobruisk |
End of 1942 |
2,000 | |
320 |
Kamencts- Podolski |
August 27-2N. 1941 |
23,600 |
• |
Rovno |
Noeember 7-8, 1941 |
21,000 |
Kostopol |
July 14,1942 |
5,000 | |
Pińsk |
Octobcr 29-Noeembcr 1, 1942 |
16,200 | |
322 |
Białystok |
July 12-13, 1941 |
3,000 |
Mogiłce |
Octobcr 19, 1941 |
3,700 | |
Mińsk |
Noeember 1941 |
19,000 | |
Mińsk |
July 28-30, 1942 |
9,000 | |
Mounted Police | |||
Third Scpiadron |
Majdanek |
Novembcr3, 1943 |
16,000 |
Poniatowa |
Noeember 3, 1943 |
14,000 | |
Trawniki |
November3, 1943 |
12,000 | |
Motori/ed Gendarmc | |||
Battalion |
Majdanek |
Noeember 3, 1943 |
—N b 3 0 |
Poniatowa |
Noeember 3, 1943 |
14.000 | |
Police Guard Battalion I | |||
(Posen) |
Stry |
Summer 1943 |
1,000 |
1 )rogobych |
•943 |
1,000 | |
Rogatin |
*943 |
cleared ghetto | |
Tarnopol |
Summer 1943 |
cleared ghetto | |
Police Reservc Company | |||
Cologiyc |
Kielce |
August 20-24, 1942 |
20,000 |
Warsaw ghetto |
May 1943 |
1,000S |
The men of thcsc police battalions had unequivocal proof that they were beingaskcd to take part not just in some harsh military measure, ho\vevcr just or unjust, such as the killing of one hundred “hostages” from a town in ret-ribution against the local population for having allegedly aided partisans. W hen slaughtering thousands of peoplc or sending entire communities packed in freight cars to dcath factories, thesc Germans did not and could not