fft text export

fft text export

Spectrum Lab - File Export Format

File Contents | Filename & Activation Export of FFT results

This function can be used to log the results of the FFT calculations into simple files for post-processing. A new FFT błock will *usually* be written to the file when a new linę is appended to the waterfall display. Morę details are in the help system; click the help button below .

[✓ iActive| Size: 566122

FftLogl txt


Export file name:

Date+Time format (for textfiles)

File Format

File Headers |No header

Column Separator (ASCII) [9~ Examples: 9=tab, 32=space, 44=comma, 59=semicolon

Number of exported FFT bins 1024    H use INTEGER numbers only (milli-Hertz, centiBel, etc)

.... ___ .. rLI , rr, r,    H create new file when restarting (name with serial number)

Freguency of first FFT bin [Hz] 0.0    a ^    '

- create new file when file size exceeded (otherwise stop) export an FFT only by command (not automatically)

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s

Textfile with Date/Time, FFT bin width, Freguency of 1 st bin in every linę

Max file size in kB, 0=unlimited 0


i'/: Ąppiy

y ok

X Cancel

7 Help


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