

cups iri tlie bins proviclecl; 8) l-inally, it has porno io our attoptioh that^bęhajrrornplayeęsNŚ;^; .• porsist in smoking in ihe doslgnaled rio-snioklng aroas'.'This itiusi slc>p, 9) f^ioiwise Ihere

^j|| In/* r* Ia!ol iKńn    ' nmnl/ir*/* IA aII"a-^»» -iTLi.-.!;'1. 1    A il..«rtrt mmUańm ••“.•..!•

..................Irom home.

......................attackod. say.

... when he was young.

............; are ill.

nol reach the top shelf.

.........on Ihe motorway.


before she began the seminar.

4 Clauses / U n king Words

Join lim senlences, llwn idenlify tlm fiiiulions of llie linldng words in brackets.

1    You could leave now. You could wait and ride willi us. (eitlier... or) ...You could elther \eave now or wait and ride with 110. (alternative)...

2    I las not a voiy good tennis player. Ile praclises all tlie limę. (considering)

3    I lu decided to change jobs. He wanted a dumce lo bo moro creative. (on Ihe grounds Ibat)

4    I don l loel liko golug oni tonlghl. I never enjoy mysell at dlscos. (bosides)

5    Ho's alraid ol boigbts. Ha wnnls lo gn rock climbing. (and yol)

6    You sbould wrila down your appointmerils. You wou't lorget Hieni, (so that)

7    Wu'ro going lo go on willi Ilia project. Tlioy sny it's no longer nocossary. (ovon il)

0 lliis liousu is exaclly wlial wa aiu looking lor. It's a roni bargain. (moreover)

9    She hardly ever piaclises Ihe piano. SIle plays very woli. (oven Ibougb)

10    li was an inletesling conlerence. Thete was one speaker who was boeing. (in spito ol)

11    Sha always gives money to poor peoplo. Sbo's extremely genorous. (in other words)

12    I enjoy ber company. Sho's boen a great help to me. (nul only ... bul nlso)

13    SI10 sings liko an opera siar. Sha isn'l a star though. (as if)

14    Exercisitig will help you feel belter. lialing less will iirtprove your heallh. (likewise)

15    He isn’l gualified for Ihe job. Ho hasn't had much practical experience. (what is iriore)

16    You can play tennis for froe bero. You have to book in advance lhough. (provided)

17    I received a lottor loday. It was about my insurance policy. (regarding)

18    You should always wear a sealbelt. You ntay have an accident. (In cnse)

f;ń Iteplace f/tt* iinderSined words willi syiwnymous unos.

o    o

Ałtention all stalf: 1) First ol all complaińls have boeii mado to tho managomept by the company cłiairiitan concorning tiio ritaking of personal phone calls. 2) In viow of tfto fact that . lliis year’8 bill is double last yoar's, sonie acllon has to be lafeh. 3) Cbnseqi|onlly, no rnoin-bers ol stalf 4) except tor senior rnanagoineiil ntay uśo thó /tonę for such purpoges. 5) Secondly, we havo roceivod coniplaints froni tlie conlracl cleaners ęlaiinirig that staff prepaiiug colfee are making too much mess. 6) Concerning tiiis rnatler wfi kindlyregnestihatstalf clean ihe cbllee areg.gitor use; 7) in other words,,wipe away ftny śtainp and dispose of pa~ ■

4 Clauses / Lin king Words Orał Development 7

Studenls look at lim picture, tlien uim after lim other continue lim story using lim follow-ing linldng words:

To begin willi, conset/uently, limo, not only... but also, in order to, whidi, only if, on Ihe other liand, heca use, what is wore, sińce etc

Harry is a mai i in his ea rly thirties who seenis to be in Irouble. It all sfarfed when ...

i    Complele Ihe senlences using Ihe words in hołd. Use Iwo to five words.

1    I was bom in that hospital. was Thafs ...the hospital where I iwas... boru.

2    He has decided to emigrate to Australia; we can’l stop hitn.

prevent We ean't Australia.

3    I didn’t tell her tire news because I didn't want lo upset het.

so    I didn’t leli hor Ihe news...............................................................................................her.

4    He couldn’l gel a credit card because ho owed the bank money.

lesnlt Ho owed tho bank money ..................................................tio couldiYt get a credit card.

5    It was such a rude rornark that wo all ielt insullod.

so    It was ....................................................................................................we all tell insulted.

6    I le bought a Computer as be intended to woik Irom homo.

vlew    He bought a Computer........................................................

7    She seldorn lott tlie housa because she was afraid ol being altacked.

fear    She seldom lott the house ..................................................

8    Whatever you say, I will rtever trust that man.

what I will never trust that man ...................................................

9    That's the shop where ho used to woik when he was young.

in    That's the shop....................................................................

10    You must phone woik il you are III.

event    You must phone work........................................................

11    SI io was lali but she couldn'1 reach tho top shelf.

though Tali .......................................................................................

12    Tltere was heavy traffic on the motorway so we arrived lale.

due    We arrived lale.....................................................................

13    I liko all my dresses bul lito red one is my favourite.

parlicular I liko all my dresses bul tlie red one...................................

14    Ortce they all arrived, site began tlie seminar.

had She waited................................................................

I—1    f—1    I—1



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