IThis character is lively, healthy and sexually appealing She is quite loud wearing tight-fitting torn jeans and a bikini top with a transfer lip-shaped tattoo on her upper arm. Draw her with large breasts and a pinched-in waist. Her legs are smooth and slender from her thighs down to her calves. She also has slender ankles. Her jeans are hipsters that reveal her navel. She is slight ot build so draw her elbows, neck and collarbone smali. Pay attention to detail such as the ties of the bikini top.
A '■
A cute navel.
Athin elbow bonę. Take " care when drawing the direction of the elbows.
Wrinkles behind the knees.
The ankle bonę.
Give softness to her fuli breasts.
The linę at the breastbone shows the thinness of the skin between her breasts.
A linę showing her shoulder muscles. Slender shoulder blades. Don t forget the neck muscles.
The stornach linę shows her feminine softness.
Don't draw the top of the jeans as a straight linę. Make it curve around the contours of her stornach
The seams of the jeans are drawn inside the outline.
Bold lines for the buttocks. Draw the spine curve towards the buttocks.
She is the active type so her shoes are fiat slip-ons.
A linę showing the soft skin of her underarms.
Darts under the breasts and at the middle of the \ bikini top to show the fullness of her breasts.
The linę down her side doesn t join the hip linę but goes a little way towards the stornach.
The tears should curve around her thighs. They express her liveliness.
Lines showing the contour of the knee in the tight-fitting jeans.
Her ankles are thin so . the bones are visible.
Wrinkles in the jeans indicating a fiat stornach. Take care when drawing the wrinkles from above and below (See the next page) because they look different depending on the angle.