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vdme pouze systemem, mohou se zdat hranice zreteln^mi. Pfejdeme-li k textóm (a ling-vistika vźdy zaćind nad textem), vidime, że znaky prirozenćho jazyka se velmi rady spojuji se znaky jinych semiotickych soustav (a( uż jsou to u mluvenych textu paraling-visticke zvuky, mimika, gęsta, nebo u psanych textu nejruznejśi graficke prostredky). Lidske dorozumiani je natolik slożite, że obvykle nevystaći s'nejsloźit6jśim lidskym nastrojem, jazy kem, ale bere si, pokud muże, ku pomoci i prostredky jine, ktere pak napomahaji ućinnemu fungovani tohoto nastroje.

Katedra lingvistiky a fonetiky FF UK nam. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1


Augst, G. (ed.): New Trends in Graphemics and Orthography. Walter dc Gruylcr, Berlin - New York 1986.

Buzell, C. E.: The grapheme. In: E. P. Hamp - F. W. Houscholdcr - R. Auslcrlilz (cd.), Readings in Linguistics II. The Universily of Chicago Press, Chicago - London 1966, s. 359-361. Bolinger, D. L.: Visual morphemes. Language. 22, 1946, s. 333-340.

Catach, N.: The grapheme: ils posilion and ils degrcc olaulonomy wilh rcspccl to the system of the language. In: G. Augst (ed.), s. 1-10.

Daneś, F.: /ntonące a veta ve spisovne ćeśtine. Nakladalclstvi ĆSAV, Praha 1957.

Edgcrton, W. F.: Idcograms in English wriling. Lantiuane, 17, 1941, s. 148-150.

Gallmann, P.: The graphic clements ol’German wrillen language. In: G. Augst (cd.), s. 43-79. Gunther, H.: Was the alphabel discovcrcd or invented? In: G. Augst (cd.), s. 248-261.

Hall, R. A., jr.: A theory ofgraphemics. Ada Linyuisticu, Vol. VIII, 1960, s. 13-20.

Jakobson, R.: Selected Writings /. Moulon, ’s-Gravenhage 1962.

Jakobson, R. - Halle, M.: Fundamenta/.? of Language. Moulon, ’s-Gravcnhagc 1956.

Martinct, A.: A Functional View of Language. Oxl’ord Universily Press, Oxl*ord 1962.

Mluvnice ćeśtiny I. Academia, Praha 1986.

Pulgram, E.: Graphic and phonic systems: figurac and signs. Word. 21, 1965, s. 208-224. Saussurc, F. de: Kurs obecne lingvistiky. Prcl. F. Ćcrmak. Odcon, Praha 1989.

Sgall, P.: Towards a theory ofphoncmic orlhography. In: Exp/izite Beschreibung derSprache und automafischeTextbearbeitung XII. Questions of Orthography and Transliteration. MFF, Praha 1986, s. 1-46.

Stary, Z.: Psuci soustavy a ćesky pravopis. UK, Praha 1992.

Uldall, H. J.: Speech and wriling. Acta Linguistica, 4, 1944, s. 11-16.

Vachek, J.: Zum Problem der gcschricbenen Sprachc. TCLP% 8, 1939, s. 94-104. (Pfcliślćno in: Vachek, 1989, s. 103-115.)

Vachek, J.: On the linguislic status ol’wrillen utlcranccs. In: Omagiu tui A. Rosetti la 71) de ani. Bucaresti 1965. (Preliśleno in: Vachck, 1989, s. 17-24.)

Vachek, J.: Written Language: General Problems and Problems of English. Moulon, The Haguc 1973.

Yachck, J.: Written Language Revisited. John Benjamins, Amsterdam - Philadclphia 1989.


Written language, graphemes, written texts

Somc diflercnces in thcorelical trcalmcnl ol’writlcn language can be inlcrprclcd asdincrcnccs in poinls ol’ view rather than as dillcrenccs bclween unrcconcilablc theories. As an cxamplc ol’ a dispulc conccrning the status of written language, a polcmic bclween Joscl Yachck and Roman


Slovo a slovesnost, 54, l()l)3


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