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in Documentation


Creating Options

Option Types Function References Theme Modę Meta Boxes Codę Examples Layouts Overview

Overview of available Theme Option fields.


The Label field should be a short but descriptive błock of text 100 characters or less with no HTML.


The ID field is a unique alphanumeric key used to differentiate each theme option (underscores are acceptable). Also, the plugin will change all text you write in this field to lowercase and replace spaces and special characters with an underscore automatically.


You are required to choose one of the supported option types when creating a new option. Here is a list of the available option types. For morę information about each type click the Option Types tab to the left.

Background Category Checkbox Category Select Checkbox Colorpicker CSS

Custom Post Type Checkbox Custom Post Type Select List Item Measurement Page Checkbox Page Select Post Checkbox Post Select Radio

Radio Image Select Slider

Tag Checkbox Tag Select Taxonomy Checkbox Taxonomy Select Text

Textarea Textarea Simple Textblock Textblock Titled Typography Upload


Enter a detailed description for the users to read on the Theme Options page, HTML is allowed. This is also where you enter content for both the Textblock & Textblock Titled option types.


Click the "Add Choice" button to add an item to the choices array. This will only affect the following option types: Checkbox, Radio, Select & Select Image.


Click the "Add Setting" button found inside a newly created setting to add an item to the settings array. This will only affect the List Item type.


Setting the standard value for your option only works for some option types. Those types are one that have a single string value saved to them and not an array of values. Rows:

Enter a numeric value for the number of rows in your textarea. This will only affect the following option types: CSS, Textarea, & Textarea Simple.

Post Type:

Add a comma separated list of post type like post, page . This will only affect the following option types: Custom Post Type Checkbox, & Custom Post Type Select. Below are the default post types available with WordPress and that are also compatible with OptionTree. You can also add your own custom post_type . At this time any does not seem to return results properly and is something I plan on looking into.

■    post

■    page

■    attachment


Add a comma separated list of any registered taxonomy like category, post_tag . This will only affect the following option types: Taxonomy Checkbox, & Taxonomy Select.

Yersion 3.4.1

Thank you for creating with WordPress.


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