j ang transkr

Język angielski
Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM i  Gazetą Wyborczą
Zadanie 1.
A: Hello. What can I do for you?
B: I'm looking for an album with pictures of flowers.
A: We have a beautiful album with many colourful pictures of flowers. Its title is The Flowers of England.
B: Can I look at it, please?
A: Of course, here you are.
A: Good morning.
B: Good morning, I would like to buy something special for my girlfriend.
A: What about these wonderful roses? We have a special offer  three for the price of two.
B: Great, I'll have nine.
A: Would you also like a greetings card?
B: Sure, the one with the sun looks great.
A: Good afternoon. How can I help you?
B: I would like to buy two small rolls.
A: Here you are. Anything else?
B: Yes. How much is a loaf of sunflower bread?
A: It's Ł 3.20.
B: I'll have that too.
Zadanie 2.
Welcome to White Tooth dental clinic! If you want to have brighter, stronger and healthier teeth White
Tooth is the place for you! Our clinic is open from Monday to Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and our
best specialists are waiting to take care of your teeth. If you want to make an appointment with Doctor
Smith, press one. If you want to make an appointment with Doctor Jones, press two. Unfortunately,
Doctor Spencer is absent this week, but he will be back next week, so if you want to make an appointment
then, press three. If you want to speak with the receptionist, she will be happy to answer all your questions
 just press nine on your keypad now!
www. operon. pl
Język angielski
Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM i  Gazetą Wyborczą
Zadanie 3.
A: Hi Josh, it's Julie!
B: Hi Julie! What's going on?
A: I'm calling to tell you something about our new school timetable.
B: OK, let me take a pen and paper to write it down... ok I'm ready.
A: Well, I have only three days  and I must say the timetable looks horrible! So, on Monday and Tuesday
we start at a quarter past eight, but we can sleep a bit longer on Wednesday, because the classes begin
at a quarter to nine!
B: And what are the lessons on Monday?
A: Firstly, we have two Maths classes and then Physics and Geography.
B: Oh no, that's terrible! What about Tuesday?
A: We have six classes  Two Polish classes, English, History, PE and Art... no sorry, PE is the last one.
B: And Wednesday?
A: Only five classes  German, Maths, IT, I mean two classes of IT of course and, finally, Chemistry.
B: Uhm... thanks for the information, Julie.
A: Oh, and I've just remembered  Maths won't be in classroom 13 any more, we are meeting in classroom
30 from now on.
B: Thanks, Julie!
A: No problem! See you at school! Bye!
B: Bye, Julie!
Zadanie 4.
4.1. I like that painting.
4.2. You saw her yesterday, didn't you?
4.3. This radio is a bit too loud.
4.4. How is your mother?
4.5. Why are you sad?
www. operon. pl


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