Z NOW ER 2014/2015
CZęść 2.
Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.
Próbny sprawdzian z Nową Erą
Część 2.  Język angielski
Zadanie 1.
Tekst 1.
Chłopiec: What does your mum do?
Dziewczynka: She s an engineer and she teaches students how to build houses and bridges. And
Chłopiec: My mum works at a primary school. She s a secretary. She does many things for the
headmaster, teachers and pupils.
Tekst 2.
Chłopiec: Mary, take bus number 5. It goes every 10 minutes from the bus stop next to our
school. Get off at the fifth stop and cross the street. My house is just opposite. I m
sure you ll see it.
Tekst 3.
Kobieta: Andy, you ve just had your dinner. Don t go into the water! Sit down and rest for
a while, please. You can t go into the water and swim with a full stomach.
Zadanie 2.
Tekst 1.
Dziewczynka: Can you hang the balloons, please?
Chłopiec: No problem. Where?
Dziewczynka: Above the blackboard and next to that elephant poster.
Chłopiec: I m not that tall.
Dziewczynka: You can use a chair. But don t fall down. You don t want to break your leg and go
to hospital, right?
Tekst 2.
Kobieta: I m visiting Peter in hospital tomorrow. Let s buy him this elephant.
Mężczyzna: He s too big for such toys. Buy him a plane.
Kobieta: But he loves elephants, he always wanted to see them in the zoo when he was little.
Mężczyzna: He s not little now.
Kobieta: I ll buy it anyway. I m sure he ll like it.
Tekst 3.
Dziewczynka: How are you today, Peter? How s your leg?
Chłopiec: Much better. The doctor says I can go home in two days.
Dziewczynka: Good news. What a nice elephant! Who did you get it from?
Chłopiec: From my aunt. She still thinks I m a little boy.
Dziewczynka: It s really big!
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Próbny sprawdzian z Nową Erą
Część 2.  Język angielski
Zadanie 3.
Kobieta: Tom, this is our school canteen, and there are some of your new classmates here.
Can you see the boy who s eating a sandwich?
Chłopiec: The one with curly hair sitting at the table?
Kobieta: Yes, it s Josh.
Chłopiec: And the one throwing away the rubbish?
Kobieta: That s Peter. He s a very good student. You can always ask him for help.
Chłopiec: Good to know!
Kobieta: Now, one of the boys who is standing and getting his lunch is Luke.
Chłopiec: You mean the tall one?
Kobieta: No that s Harry, but he s not from our class. Luke is not that tall. He s the one wearing
Chłopiec: OK, and how about the boy serving food?
Kobieta: That s Martin. He s helping in the canteen today.
Chłopiec: They all seem very nice.
Kobieta: I m sure you ll like them.
Zadanie 4.
Tekst 1.
Mężczyzna: Come on Jane! Put your racket on the chair. Now pick up all the balls before we start
playing again.
Tekst 2.
Dziewczynka: What would you like to get for your birthday, Dave? A mountain bike?
Chłopiec: Well, not really& I m thinking about a snowboard&
Dziewczynka: But I thought you preferred skiing. You got skis from your grandparents last year.
Chłopiec: Yes, but snowboarding is more fun.
Tekst 3.
Chłopiec: [sygnał automatycznej sekretarki] Mum, I m at Peter s. His sister has made lunch
for us, so don t worry. I haven t got my keys. I think I ve left them at home. I m calling
from Peter s mobile phone because I have no more minutes on mine. Call me back,
Tekst 4
Ojciec: You look tired today, Kate. What time did you get up?
Córka: At six. But there was a storm and it woke me up earlier. So I haven t slept since five.
Ojciec: And what time did you go to bed?
Córka: I m not sure, but I couldn t sleep so I read a book till about 1 a.m.
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Próbny sprawdzian z Nową Erą
Część 2.  Język angielski
Tekst 5.
Dziewczynka: John, do you know what you re going to wear for tomorrow s party?
Chłopiec: I have a problem. I wanted to be a cowboy but I can t find my hat.
Dziewczynka: You were a cowboy last year. Maybe a pirate?
Chłopiec: That s a great idea but it s too late to make a costume now.
Dziewczynka: I think we have a police uniform for kids at home. My brother wore it two years ago.
It should be OK for you now.
Chłopiec: Thanks for your help, Lisa.
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