RadASMide WhatsNew

o The debug register and watch windows are now in a single tool window.
o Added FPU and MMX registers to debug window.
o There can now be more than one xxxConst.api file using the same api.
o The code editor now supports unlimitted line lenghts.
o Fixed a bug when double clicking on errors in output window when using bcc.
o Fixed a buffer overrun bug on corrupted project files.
o Fixed bugs wuth project browser drag to new goroup. Disabled group name editing.
o Holding Ctrl key while clicking on expand / collapse bookmark will expand / collapse
all child blocks in the parent block.
o Added a hidden option to disable accept command dialog.
In RadASM.ini section [Accept] add the following line:
o Added UndoSave addin. It saves and loads undo information on project code files.
See Addin Manager help file for more info.
o Project Options no longer expands project tree.
o Better error message / handling if a programming language pack is missing.
o Added UpdateChecker addin. It lets you check for RadASM updates, download and unzip files.
o Adding a project file keeps the expanded / collapsed state of the project browser.
o The expanded / collapsed state of the project browser is saved to the project file.
o You can no longer delete a group with sub groups using the Project Groups tool.
You must delete the sub groups first. In previous versions this caused a group messup.
o Fixed a bug in RAEdit when drawing the tab markers.
o Improved 'Goto Declare' and double clicking in properties (better support for Obj32Asm).
o Fixed bugs in masmParse (better support for Obj32Asm, macros and constants).
o Fixed bug in RAEdit where trim trailing spaces did not update line changed state.
o Fixed bug where closing Project Groups dialog using [X] made RadASM menu not responding.
o Fixed bug where clicking left and right mouse buttons at the same time on a toolbar button
made RadASM hang.
o CreateProtoEx addin now supports C/CPP
o Improved CppParse to better support CreateProtoEx addin.
o Alex has updated the CodeSize addin.
o Added support for chm help files if the radhelp addin is not used.
o Fixed bug in masmParse.dll that caused sluggis editing on older machines.
o Fixed bug where red dot was missing if file is readonly or missing.
o Fixed bug where autoload was not saved if a file was unsaved on project close.
o Made it possible to load api files depending on project type.
This makes it easier to create projects for other OS'es than Windows.
Contributed api files welcome.
o Created a masm parser dll. This makes parsing masm projects more reliable.
o Auto Load is replaced by saving current open files to project file.
o File tabs can be dragged to a new position. The tab order is saved to project file.
o The project browser now supports sub groups. Use Project Groups to maintain groups.
o The Project Groups dialog has been redesigned and is more user friendly.
o When a file is added to the project it will be added to the current group.
o Added Project / Add Existing / Current Open File. Adds the current open file to the project.
o Added Expand / Collapse toolbar button to project browser.
o Added SysLink control.
o The code parser for masm has been enhanced to include datatypes and array sizes.
o The code parser for VC6 C/C++ (cppparse.dll) has been enhanced to include datatypes and array sizes.
o The code parser for FreePASCAL has been enhanced to include datatypes and array sizes.
o The code parser for FreeBASIC has been enhanced to include datatypes and array sizes.
o Included RADebug addin. It adds sourcecode debugging capabilities to masm, VC6 C/C++,
FreePASCAL and FreeBASIC projects. See the RADebug.txt for more info.
o Added support for MinGW.
o The size of the code complet list is now saved to the ini file.
o Fixed a minor bug in RAEdit. REM_GETCURSORWORD did not include the size of the
line number bar.
o Fixed a minor bug in RAEdit. Bracematching caused wrong selection on EM_SCROLLCARET.
o Fixed a buffer overrun vulnerability in TbrCreate.
o Fixed a buffer overrun vulnerability in menu editor.
o Added resource type RT_HTML
o Code lines now has a yellow indicator for unsaved chanees, green for saved changes.
o Better code complete support for C/C++ (locals (Ctrl+Shift+Space) and casted structures).
0 Added protection against malicious project files (.rap). A dialog shows the command that will be
executed. It is up to you to accept the command or not. There is also a 'Don't ask again' option.
Even with this added protection you should always open a project file from a non trusted source
in text edit mode (File / Open File) and verify that it not executes any suspicious commands.
o Fixed RadASM Project File (.rap) Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability.
o Fixed bug with environment variable that caused crash on win 2000.
o Option to set syntax backcolor on strings, comments, operators and numbers & hex values.
o Api files can now have commented lines. A commented line must start with ; or //
o Ini files now has a version.
o Updated addins to latest version. This fixess several bugs.
o Fixed bug with split screen.
o Flat toolbar on Project and Properties tools.
o Rearanged Project toolbar buttons.
o Option to set Info tool colors.
o Incraced size of build option buffer.
o Added block guiders.
o Variable speed selection scrolling by mouse.
o Fixed bug with environment option if there was no entries.
o Fixed bug with project option / project groups.
o Added support for Free Pascal.
o Added support for Digital Mars C/C++ compiler. Thanks PauloH.
o Added Ignore Whitespace to find.
Find: mov eax,edx
will find:
mov eax , edx
o Added support for multiline find.
Find: mov eax,edx^Minc edx
wull find the lines:
mov eax,edx
inc edx
o Fixed fasm parser bug.
o Fixed bug with threaded build. The handle was not closed. Thanks a lot Willok.
o Included several improvements by drizz.
o Added images to tab select.
o Added default control sizes to dialog editor.
o New RadASM icon by Anton Lesnichenko
o Added brace matching.
o Added collapse on comment blocks.
o Improved fasm code complete on structures.
o Changed behaviour on 'Topmost File property'
o Fixed bug with renaming files in templates using [*PROJECTNAME*] method.
o Fixed tab select font problem.
o Fixed bug in 'New Project' wizard where build options was not copied from template.
o Fixed Trend Micro virus alert on Addin Manager. (thanks to Wayne Lozinski)
o It is now possible to create a new project even if the folder already exists.
This is useful when creating a RadASM project from existing sources.
- Warning that the folder exists.
- Warning if files are about to be overwritten.
o The 'New Project Wizard' now has an Import button. It lets you import files to
the project. Useful when creating a new project from existing sources.
o Font options dialog now shows font name.
o Set focus to project explorer and Ctrl+E will expand / collapse project groups.
Useful with huge projects.
o Improved project loading time.
o Fixed a paint problem in RAEdit when a non fixed font was used.
o Fixed a bug where closing all files would leave the 'File Change Notify' thread
running and the next file opened would create a new thread.
o RAEdit now does a garbage collection each time memory is expanded.
o Fixed a bug where adding an existing code file to project did not auto refresh properties.
o Added ResourceID addin. Activate it with addinmanager.
- This addin auto exports resource id's to the file rsrc.xxx when any of the
- resource scripts are updated. At the same time code properties are refreshed.
- This means that code complete on resource id's will work immediatly after any
- resource script is saved.
- The export is done ONLY if the rsrc.xxx file exists in the projects root folder.

- rsrc.xxx:
- ------------------------
- Assembly rsrc.inc
- Hla rsrc.hhf
- C/C++ rsrc.h
- bcet, fb rsrc.bi
o Added option to minimize RadASM on run. RadASM will stay minimized while program is running.
- You can also use this to kill a program that hangs by restoring RadASM and press Esc.
o Project options now has Path and Main Files buttons. Purpose is to have the info at hand
while setting up project build options.
o On build errors RadASM will jump to first error.
o New 'Project Wizard' that also works on Win95b (does not use property sheets).
o Fixed bug in RadToolbar addin (crash on Win95b if custom toolbar was enabled).
o Fixed bug in RadToolbar addin where customizing toolbar could give strange results.
o Fixed a bug where using mouse wheel on properties window could leave the button painted.



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