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rrctoMfifirftw 291

wftr- ragwefafieorewMor c**egEaeepft<W-&anć te wm the tooi s ific M lor Ihf nęw soa M •scs a-c tonę sojt ee rar* smóa* lo re Peostt Onrebasscf re puokshec iit^smcm c er* «K » mjw ta te cuaotr. n* !yng the £kc% b% tre ems ms atsc praawes a fcaupt «tet) rcpatiM te aw^e 3* snM^ btmmrr Tm i»c Mas

Re: apiu&irc te wcut decusson. t can te saac rac re rriunewor MS ten) na p^/temnr anc aam Rona zwoas r re Praeworai atow aai — as —I as at ag nosa te* soud warem 3fc*aks — tera aa cl fatum r curymcri The gjanfcy and di-rarafa 3 nesc tsaLrBS s ageanougr» id ra-iŁTE re oonsiuson trat w ara Saairc wir graras of te same arar 3* jaopfe Sonie dflfararewftor. r. ragara o# re runa -rua; łct as te akgnmort anc arrangamart of fiie oeoeeseds soą te wecmr anc mrrwngemert d gwe gooos rasuftec terr canar anc traguanłH mnąc mes pyfamwc sumę duo. am «w usuOy nfiad ry sucr faaures as soca sous se*. te fom m te anxc anc sc trr Typca :f ns ac s tnąc ne rru-mater jukdSi dngusspc Twe ragantos of tne geo-sapnca octcr. a-= bure as «tenac rurats 'vao* teaa -us. as dscrae gnxps r cranaror oarnewras ?<eer ar smal soasc ru-sas (Bekon, Sm anc Wsg-yi laarnca aosarwaoons appy to ne ■ma rr soufr ar non- StarakB 'tomfc 1971:51DL Due ogwy r fi« aarwage e ne PdaysG aae r. s orffcjt r sav r mer aagjn ne saaoa bura fo-rc tee snouc raafe seong Sasec on tne plans dl cornempo-rary cramakcy aometres and fiie sgraac af anefea■ner rac trnac par. d tne gaae gaoos i smy De de-acac trat ongnak* ne grara was pfecK a: tne edge cf Tm cerowy anc ae a dwanoe fnrr: ater i»xas. Taong mc sonsoecateB ne ancwe aserators anc ne ds-bncftra raja famr. xrrcnu jsec in cramakons ć can » assjmec ta pwpte who oóserrac ne ne of nfu-tnaaor rogcMDC ar enne group ater eon id tne Qjac as we! aa tc ne Praaworai. cjfLre

Sd spw id    ne aetzysfca gtaie and oner

smńar aura*? Germar tesaarct</i Me intec ne nv rurador graos ic ne Garmamc iriDe d ne SAng Wte-oafe ate amwod r Sanno tom tortom Europę (cf By^owsr. 'P75 ^4S-146. A dfcfuni a was aduanoao % toscaewsi;: md asreuiac tne grams to an ajccrmonous groop tatang o«tr ne cwr Puna me tom te Cete toraM Cunarc tasraure on ne •utyeci a sinwnte by te net ta te imjmatbn gcaos oomar wnans eter of Cattc peopie or tepre-wrntet of te rraewete oto who łiad adopiec Cetebirm cumona(M!otea 1970 231-232. Bykowski 1976 ttttf Pazda 1»0. 26 Bruttyte 1998: 23)

Hmaar. r ten OaboteJi opraw te ordy sfin wtscn damofnirsiB Cate mtoanoa m te nMte gm* te* 96a* sad KifiBoe dted lo pnaae A2 <d te p* ftown ton Age (OąDwda 1906 idS) Tl* beaa tor te teory ot a Cate ongn to te te ot atumiOR buto r- te ftenonl ate * — t**de te te te te* — tet te dtsnbjtor af te awńmm grama osapona to aren of Ctbc lePemun * Moda Swara as aafi as bon aiaas tel mmm undar sbong Cate niuanoe sucn as Kqaw. Bm daspte baing "tey acoapasd nm m a nutoar af *aak pasa * te teory •ten ra*e senous doutts as to ts tede>

Doubis ansę aten one ■aarryer to oompae Ceftc tura rfiuaK to te adopson of mumaton o* ma rtratcfiay of Europę ntePra Roman and Eany Roman penods. The problem horaetor does no( orty app^ r ne Przeworsk cubura — wnarenhumaaonamoswte-

spraad—bul also to the regon ofooiSHaestem StoiOa

nhabapc Dy the Ouadi thae pan af the Czto rapiżAc (Brań 1953) inhabded by the Maroomani and naybs ts a srał: eoent atso to ne tarraory af ne Basiami of tne PDene$fe-4_j«39et*a cubure. Onoe morę nera s roorr rera orty to preserg a tref renem of the tmoarerna diferances bsrwasr? the tao mam forms of D_ral A ke* arae 6 nac of presers-day Bohem* and Morawa. Tns is not a random óhoce as in the maiera. ojtere dfte Cafcs ato *era nhatteng ban Cenarai Siess anc tre Gkbczyoe Upland as wal! as the tarrilory of the wessar pan o? Ufie Potend the nfiuenoes tem these araas ara

most olear. The test loa&jre to nate is the plan of te Dcna'

pć Unlke te graira wheh is our parbcukar imeresi Caltc graies ware ittte morę than sfó-tenohas. te maprty dl whień hac ter longer ans afigned M-S. As a rjie te daad wara pkaoed on their baoks heacfing nortn. agar r comrast to te Pelczyska burial and fes paratefts. Of course tera ara eroeptons to te nśe such as those bjnas ■terę te deoaased were pftaoed on ter safes sto ter legs Itecec or again face down. or te fact ta sorre sctaoed buriate were locaied Dusicie oemetanas or y=r. agam — a featura na pra/ouss ma-monac — te pacn: of a słone cam cwer te grave. In the Ifiaraiura on te subyecs some of them have been cłaimed as a fmk ta ween te Cdttc rfiual and thaf used in the pre-Romar and earfy Roman penods (Woźniak 1970:232: B>*kows*. 1976:148). One can howewer rarse a ąuestion here ms> those grairas sporadcafiy found m te La Tarę eufcra area and so srmilar to te graves we have been ds-cuswng here. by ctiance have oontaned te romans te nery ancestors of those wery same peopie too ara te subfed of te paper?

One may quote Jan Flkp s opmon who oonsoarK te lorogn feaeures deoemtfie m Ceftc bunal riiual«

be te due lo te Opaci of bet foll twMs aa Ceftc Opon (Ffip 1956 222 294 > Futer dtecraan n*y be stan * te way te daad wara eguppec a faaaue wrwdh hat atoadj baan pomad ou( r afedar lemur* (cf DjtowOi 1976 147-146|. Unto te Ceftc grateFnaaprat OutoburOeaarairaryaloonn funanae wfih aaapoaa. and hawfiy mora tooueOf wO omamerai and doteig aocaaaonai Gcara goods conaoad waOy of pcMp Maaa* aomatmei * toga nurv*ert afieb • m oorara* to Ceftc uaaga One *ay fiao nca aucW dteanoeeauctiasm teageprateoftedeac la te nhumoon graves a *ąg r teae tom te Pirou* autora arae. peopie of a aaoe rangę of aga a*ra btnac tem eśaras lo old peopie (cfBytoaato 1976 141). aide n te Ceflac grauas c seems ta te maporĄr of ctorar too cfied belore raacteig te aga of tetaen. and oe-oficaly toants wara not bunad (Wakteusra2001 36. Mora dfcrences of te md codć be ćsssc teaaaor. wihou any dotoL terę s noendenoeforadraacoiw tnjr% of Ceftc bua rtoal rdo te Pra-Roman anc Earty Roman penods {cf Wozniak 19TO 232

Futer contrary eraienoe must De anoec tote»-raady staied dfierences m bura rtoal The aloes rru-mabon graues in te Przeworsk cutee area buc r tefih Siesia and Fi.yawra. can be daiad lo noc earter than phase A2 of the Pre-Roman penoc - snoac be noaed taterearanogroundsóasoerartc oaraanjr af tem to phase A1 (Dąbrowska 1968: 143i. The e.v dence just ctod encourages one ft> argue for a suoden appearanoe of nhumabon buto r. phase A2 of te Ptzaworsfc cutore as opposed id a graduai adapfion ior cortoiuabon) of burto custans rterfied trorr te earter rtiabitarfis of te area — te Cefcs mdeeć. 4 a aort! ramembenngtegrackatanslormaaongaCebcDuna ńfes undenaent The Cefcs who nhabted Canaal Europę ceased to use nhunatbr. by te ena of te rwo oenury BC and. as a resut of niuences stemmng tem te Carpathians. rtoenoes oten Insed id fok mora mertts * te area wehm a oenary efemabon Decame te oomtnara h*. By te begnnhg of te second osa-luy BC the Cefcs hac started oom*only to use a metioc of deposng of te daad Otch M few f any wchaeo-logcał traces ff we add to tus te obserraaon ta te youngest Cobic grauos tem Sfies*. dalng tp te begrv rang of the LTC1 phase. ara cramabonbuOs te teory of a Catbc ong*i for nhumabon m te Pre Roman pe-riod appears even morę doubdu Besślas. tera ara sery weak grounds far supportng te argumera lor a paralel lenteriai epmon of Ceftc setfiement on Pohsft soi and te ocoumanoe of bura of te typa dscusseo hera Sara far tfifm where no elear traoes of Ceftc se*e-ments (let abne graras) hara as yet bean fauno, te braofam cwrwes aa te wea df Sto* and te weeton Pan of Lfito Patod Is a» d Stoe jweery ta te wgurers far a Ceftc orge ty rruwaon Duas sre flfrotoogy of ter etoesi eompla wbcw appear rear fttedto n phase A2 and an te Gtobczyefca Upianc as kto as phase 32 cf te Roman penod. rurter m te etom pan d Ufie Potod. whera Ceftc sedemert asrac te iongesŁ te appeerance of sagę mjptoon graras r te rwc phase af te Tynec G**g can rofllf oe conseerad as a rasjil d the rnrmniWrm of oca tradfton. The to ta te rum cf graras tem te Przewornu euftae af te La Tera and Eany Roman re-nods • eetoraly smM m eorapMon c te numbar cf dweftngsewtoprawdasteiesufttfaoaptenby apwi of ras odftra of te Ceftc bufa raa mkw eft fan i any arteeoegcal saces toczna 1979 239l k: te same fime. r ragarc id Stoe ara* ft seems ta te same aa af aĄto rasuftsa m te rar> prasence af not omy graras as sdi on rtmftor graran (fifaż-na 1979 232 Ooboeska 1986 142 atrcugr rs ter. CeftEs had nor oeer uswg wtowMor far a long arae Men one oraws togeter te dsparae tiraads af te praeous dscusecn twe eoMd seere e be stong grom* far regaroeg te ftpertra d mhunafton graras r te araas ocaęwnd by tne Potwor* euftue anc py te Tywec Gwg as te rasa of mei sra n-graion Dy ar etusne Dur nor Ceftc gna. PraOtoy. re anoeflors af t« gna hac awaswo tor te Cefts far some ocraoerabe tme. as may oe dBduceo tem re eypr* rturwpr DuOs tTOWi tern te lB Tanę cutore araas The raftftra postorang of tese graras suggnss ta r te wriory omęrafl Dy te Przeworsk and Tynec gmp6 as waft as Dy te Oued anc ktocoman te terusne gro^ krac r fe**e eoftaort On te otar nana te nora cf te graraooatoesedcafc ta the> martarecobsecnmadsa.tesoufa rasuftngr ar*aC adopftoe d a Rornsneetf style w te A3-81 phase :ł. Newęgiowsc 1961 529 rteouoenoefartassarar> hgh tegrancygf phase Bta otoa wanw when ooa> tastng wfth te corfterfts of te corftemporary Przeworst ouftue era mann gra ras

tsdiiniriPtictrBe uegywnrOy te wraa org*> af fiose putora nee^comers. Anhwpfagca arOyss af te skjl m te eoBW* s gara at Pecrj-s^a howerar ofters some cfaes sse Appencfa DafawL The rasufts conckjstrafy ndeto te soutem ongegfte daceased (Ftg. ?i wftn te pracee araa oewg possOy te Mto wranean kooral F«om te pora of wen af phyacai an-fitopology te eomen tem Pmczyska jnooucaedy re-praserts an aken on Poish sok The ma% of oourae be an eottlsd occuranoe ano a agor senes of arelysss s ragjseo befai* one can ofter a mora deinftB concfasfart


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