Silver Wire Jewelry2

Silver Wire Jewelry2

Heforo closing tlioso largo rings. place iwo moro smali rings on it. Coniinue across ihe row thls way.

Saw willi goniło up-and-dnwn slrokes. wiihoui pressing or forclng ihc saw. Lei llir saw ilu Ule work. lic careful not lo nil ihruugh llir undorside of Ihe coil.

Be generous wlien buylng blades. and have plenty on hand if you choose to out yoor own rings.


Pot a largo ring togelhor.


Pul ihree smali rings omo ii

Pul another largo ring througlt ihe ihree smali rings.

Kepeat umil ihe Chain roachos ihe correct Icngth.

\ssemble thc Chain, following the draw-ing ai leTl. Place Ihe heads on randomly as you go along. Mount Ihe elasp on iwo ol Ihe smaller rings. Polish In ihe mian tumhler.


Tłiis patiem consists cif pairs of rings. always pairing two of ihe same size.


Assemble iwo largo rings. Sol two smali rings into Iliom. Conlinne. as shown ahovo. umil you have five pairs of largo rings and four pairs of smali ones.


Repeal the proeess mini the trianglo b finished.

Iki\n<;i.i: I*i:m>\vi Nkcki nck

tLonglh: 16% inches (■II cm) wlthout elasp

Si mim i: Ni:i:ki.\<:t Tiikk\i>ki> mitu SlIAKK \M> (lOl.l) Hfv\l>S

tl.engih: l(i '/i inchos (12 cm)

withnui elasp


ad rings muiic front 18-gaugc (1.2 mm) sterIInu sll\cr wirc on a (i-mm mondrcl

III Stef ling silwr rings mudc front 20-gaugc IM mm) sicrling silwr u Irc on u 2.8-mm inainhcl

la sicrling silwr romul heads. I mm dia. a ronini .afl.l golił heads. 3 mm in iliamcicr Sicrling sllicr hcari-shapcil elasp. 30 mm 2 rings. one front 18-gaugc 11 mm) sicrling sllicr u lir on a 2- to 3-mm mamlrcl. and one front 18-gaugc U 2 mm) wirc on a filo 8-mm mamlrcl

Photo on page 35

In ihe iwo largo rings on ihe ends. set a pair of smali rings. Por ihe mlier pairs of largo rings. sol four smali rings In each.

Make six smali rings so they’re ready. Joln a pair of largo rings to one of ihe ouiermosi rings: heforo closing the largo rings add another pair of smali rings to Iliom. Sot ihe ncxt pair of largo rings Into Ihe newest pair of smali rings and also Into ihc ncxt iwo pairs ot smali rings.


130 rings maile from 18-gaugc 11 mmi Sicrling silwr wirc on a a-mm ntandrcl

188 rings maile front 20-gaugc 1.8 mmi sicrling silwr wirc on a 2.8-min ntandrcl

2 rings madc front 18-gaugc (1.2 mml sicrling silicr wirc on a 8-ntm mandrei

Sicrling silwr lobsicr claw elasp. la mm

Photo on page dl

Assemble a trianglo. following thc drace-ings on iliis page,

Coniinue off two corners of ihe trianglo. making a Chain liko the firsi side of the iriangle. willi pairs of largo rings jolned hy pairs of smali rings. Knd willi one 16-gaugc 11 2 mm i ring on each cml and monni Ihc elasp.



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