Wich thc ability to change his body into grains of sand and reshape it at will,
Sandman has proven to be a dangerous and slippery foe for Spidp.u.-Man, thc Fantastic Fouk, and the Hulk. Bom William Baker in one of thc rougher areas of New York City, he had a bad start in life. His father abandoned him and his mother when William was three ars old, and thc boy grew up in poverty. He quickly learned to steal and cheat.
• Amazing Spider-Man Annuol 91
Sandman. NAjtture, Mysterio.
Bectro. Kraven tho Hunter, and Doctor Octofxjs got togethor to lorm tho Srostor Soc
• Amazing Spider-Man *217-218 Sandman toams up with Hydro-Man. twt a treak acodont mergos the iwo nto a mud creature.
FACTFfLE REAL NAME William Baker OCCUPATION Former professional criminal BASE
Brooklyn. New York
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 450 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
Amazing Spider-Man 94 (September 1963)
Sandman is nbło to chango o* or part of flis body into a sand-łka substanco which ho can form Into any shape. He can spraad out the
nmlne rJ ooivl ip» Hic Iwii fes ł>wt
SiWiIntitn can itlter ,iII ofhis body at orne or jurt felectiif parts, in ihis exoinple of his righl jrm chjnging whilt the rtst of his body renuins in its hunun-looking form.
.'.•en tic hardens the sand partictos that make up his body into ! a sdid o lock. Sandman packs an incretlbly powerful punch. /
William was kicked out of high school for taking nioney to throw a big football gamę, but soon found work with a protection racket. He took the alias ‘‘Him Marko." and bccamc a success in New Yorks crimc underworld.
After an arrest and a jailbreak. Marko hcaded south. He was on a bcach ncar a imlitary testing sito in Georgia when a nuclear reactors steam system cxploded, knocking him unconscious. Marko wokc to find that his body now had thc properties of sand. Revelling in his ncw ability. he callcd himsclf Sandman and set out on a major criminal carecr.
Sandman battled Spider-Man (his main nemesis), and many otlier >uper heroes. Hejoincd the Wi2ARi>,Ti<Al*STER.and Medusa to form thc i RKiiiTK i Folk and teamed up with fivc morę of Spider-Man s foc> to form the Sinistcr Si\.
Good or Evil?
When Sandman teamed up with Hydro-Man, an ulent causcd the two to merge into a mud creature.
\lter he was fmally freed. Sandman dedded to give up me. even beeoming a probationary member of the '•> i ks and helping them defeat the sorcercss Morgan fa\. llutWizard brainwashed Sandman into beheeing it his re jcction of crimc was a put-on, and he rejoincd v*imster SL\.Another member.Vf\om, betrayed Sandman; bite causing Sandman s sand grains to wash away, casting up c.irious New York beachcs.
Foralong time it was bclieved that Sandman was dcad, but the ttered sand particlcs ofhis body managed to find eacli other, and nip Cr yillain Sandman was reborn. MT