a Skip the lut threc amber 11° węd bcadi and pass thc nccdlc back through all thc bcadi to thc top, Make a tuk łtitch to Itoid.
Ai ihoten in Figute -t-11. thrc.i:
A-A-A-BR-B-R M-R |
/ Q :<! |
B BR. Skip the ftrit | |
threc A bcadi ind |
. A |
trpcut thc rcmaining |
- O |
pt»ncm<BR B R M- |
M * |
R-ll-BR) tntn morę | |
timc*—making cight |
a 9 |
total patiem*. Tlircad on the fnltowing sccjucncc |
: T fitea-rd |
of bcadi, as lltown |
8 O |
in Figurę 4-12: B-R-BO-M-AF |
*o |
M-BO-R-B-A. PuB |
■ o |
thc Iteads up so no | |
thread ahows and |
„ i |
icciirc the thread |
<r ( } x . |
with a tack ititch. |
u <" N ‘ |
Work tltc iKcdle to thc other aide of the |
oo |
head through thc |
" 0 |
bcodtng. |
B O a 0 |
Take thc nccdlc a hall’ brown bcad's width to one sidc or thc other of center and <ome out to tbc front.
Thread on sevcn brom innuluccnt A- soed bcadi and repeal thc Figurę -1-10 panem.
Rcpeat stept 2 througli 5 until TOU have «vcn fringo on either sidc of center, deemsing tlić brown bcads at thc top by one head cuch timc umil )\iu havc threc brown bcad> only. The la« rwo fringe on each side movc up the lower ódes of thc body.
Sccutc all threads with knots ind gjuc.
L'm- gem glue to altach thc piece of piast ic up thc bitek ot thc body 10 itrengthrn it. Lrt tiry.
Bring a doublc-thicadcd nccdlc out front thc back at tltc iboutdcr. Thicad on one brown tiantltecent S* secd bead. two ronc bcadi. two Cero oval lxodi, two conc bcadi. and one brown traiiilucent 8° sccd head i BR-C*C-OV-OV-C-C- BR t. Be surę thc widc part of the conc bcadi point tuward the oval bcadi. Fake the thread thlDUgh tbe other ihoulder ind icanc in back.
Repeat itepi i and 2 for thc Other arm.
Double-thrc-ad your nccdlc with thc Spiderwire and tie a crintp bcad at thc vcty end of the SptdcTwirr. Make sevctal knoci againM thc crimp bcad and glue. Trim thc endi <k>5e.
Thread on a damshcłl bcad lip to it cups Oier thc crimp bcad and tuc smooth-rawed plieti to do« the clamihcll
Bring tltc thread out at the same point on thc other lidc of thc brajl Tlircad on bcadi in revcrsc order m you did in ilcps 3 and 4.
Takc the thread through a climdiell lip and a crimp bcad Securc a you did for thc other t-*Ą of tlw noc kia cc.
Attach tltc diintltcll tipi ro Ihe clasp.
b'$e fdbric gluc to attach the Icatbcr backnu; piece to the baj of thc beaded cabochon head ind body.