I hor was the God ofThunder. the beloecd champion of Asgard and a figurę of worship among the ancicnt Norse. He loved his pcople so much that he triggered their destruction in the end battlc of Kagnarok, finally breaking a repeating cycle of futility. Thor was bom to Odin. the ruler (sky-father) of Asgard, and Gaca, the ntother goddess ^ ^ 4
ot Earth (a place known to the Asgardians as Midgard).
1 Thor Odinson (alias Donald Blake. Erie Masterson, Jaka Oteon) OCCUPATtON
Oodof Thundar
HEK3HT 6 ft 6 in WEK3HT 640 *»
allies i ho Ayongors, Bela Ray Thor. $d. Wamors Thrae
FOES Loki. Surliif. tl» fcnehontross, tho Absoctmg M<r>
Ciruomed Irom an carly age to assumc ln*» tather s throne. Thor gress up with his best friend Baldcr and his fmt lovc. Sit. But Thors halt-brother Loki hated him. and schemcd to bccomc ruler ot'Asgard lumsclt. When Thor provcd himsclf worthy ofcarrying the uru hammer Mjolnir. he took up the idenrity as the Thundcr (Jod.
Thor minglcd with his Earthly worthippers throughout the *>th ccntury. loadingVikings into battlc. I le latcr abandoned his followcrs after scvcral of them butchcrcd a Christian inonastery. Over the succecding eemuries he spent most ol his time in Asgard. venturing to Earth to battlc Loki in the Old West and nnstakenly becoming a pawn ot’the Na/is during Worki War 11.
heroism on Midgard
Deeiding that his son nccdcd to learn humility bctorc assuming the title of sky-father, Odin cxiledThor to Earth. Therc, the Thundcr (kuł beliewd hiimelf to be the mortal doctor Donald Blake. and walkcd with the aid ofa wooden cane. When he stniek the canc on the grotitul it transtormed into Mjolnir. and Thor regained lus powers and all metnories of
A second incamation of the Thunder God appeared when Thor merged his spirit with Earth architect Erie Masterson. Thor entered temporary exile for apparently killing Loki, and Masterson carried on, posing as Thor while wiełding the hammer of Mjolnir. Masterson later received the identity of Thunderstnke. before perishing In battle against the Egyptian god Seth and overcoming a curse laid upon Masterson by the weapon of Bloodaxe. Thor subseęuently assumed the dviiian identity of dead EMS worker Jake Olson, though he soon gave this up and let a resurrected Oison continua his iife. Erie Masterson’s son, Kevin, later took up the role of Thunderstrike in a possible futurę timeline also inhabited by Spider-Giri.
Thor and Thunderstrike imfte ther mystical hammora to unleash even groatcc powor. Tłxx. wt»o constdered Erie Masterson one of the most nobto mortałs he luxJ hv« cncountorod. greatfy moumed Ns doath.
The events that led to the end of Asgard began with the true death ofOdin, slain in battle with Surtur. Thor took up the manile of rulership and became empowered with the mysdcal Odinforce. Wishing to take a morę direct role ov
Ragnamk. The tw*ght of tho gods. epdod hu end !< ntces oi tt«M lUrnoosłoo of Asgard
rusłted O
Ins lite on Asgard. For years. he lived a dual tdentity as both Thor and Blake, batding supci powered threats such as the Radioacdve Man and the Absorbing Man. l.oki sought to entrap Thoi
nu; h:u: inti» > ..ntii. i ' ■ ■ ■ I I '• f n .
IV ti-.c \\
alongsule siu li heroes as
Captain America, Iron Man. 4 and the Olympian half-god W Hercules.
j Tew beings evcr bestcdThor in
combat. but the alien Beta Ray Bill defeated the Thundcr God and provcd wortln of wiełding the
• Tho Mighty Thor *337
Bota Ray BA oxt>kxles nto Mdcn as a rtvai. a lalor an alfy. oł tho Ttwndcł God
• Thor. Son of Asgard 91-12
Tlm bmUod senes expłoms the OOriy whwntur a young Bakier tfw Bravo. Sif. and Thot
• Tho Mighty Thor *582-588
It* Ragnon*. lho Asgarrian apoculyfmn. and lony-njnnng senes comes to an end willi tfie lotol destruction ol Asgard and at who Ko th
hammer of Mjolnir. An inipressed Odin forged a new hammer. Stormbreaker, for Bill to wield. 'Thor finally gave up his Donald Blake altcr ego at this timc. bnefly trying out a new idendcy as consiruction worker Sigurd Jarlson. New trials continued to vexThor—his father Odin sceimngly perished in combat against the tire demon Surtur. and Thor refused the throne. the honor instead passing (o Bakier. Thor suffered unimaginable torment when a curse rendered him incapable of death.
Combat wounds nearły disintegrated his wje body until the em hantment was reversed. SS1
r earthly H
atfairs. Thor movcd Aseanl
** i |
to a location on F.arth and tramformed the planet into > ^ a dictatorship that W endured for two hundred I years. At last realizing the error of lus actions. he unwound the pres ious rwo
through timc travel.
8S© ‘ Sl!’ t,j:
»oigc new
weapons comparable yT 111 power to Mjolnir.
With stu li tools at his disposal. he rallied his foliowers and conqucrcd Asgard. Thor, reulizing that l.okis actions presaged the finał confiagration of Ragnarok, followcd the Odinforce on a spiritual journcy.Thc Thundcr God uncovered the truth of the Ragnarok cyde—its endless loop ofcrcation and rebirth had been orchestrated by the godlikc Those Who Sit Above in Siudów for their amusement.
Unwilling to endure his peoplcs dishonor throughout yet another meaningleys cycle. Thor severed the tapestry that \vove the reahty of Asgard s diniension, wiping himself aml all of Asgard troili cxistcncc.
Will Thor return? In the past, Ragnarok had heen a self-perpetuating cycle. and the circumstames of Asgard s return couid spring from the same processes that restored it in the past. But thesc thouglits are speculation. l or now. Thor sleeps the sleep ot the gods. DW